Chapter 28

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"What?" The man in front of Alic begins to turn around, but I turn my head over my left shoulder. His hand presses against my back, making me straighten up a little. I hold my breath for a second as I pull my eyes up, looking up at Nicholas.

"Is something wrong? You seem more tense than usual, Your Majesty?" He asks, keeping his voice low.

"I'm fine, your highness." I lower my head a little.

"My prince." I look up at Nicholas, feeling his hand on my back tense up. His eyes go from being calm to a dark pit of anger. "After my time here, the heavens hace compelled me to return to your side. Now I understand why..." The man sparring with Alic drops to his knees in front of the prince and I. "It's been years since I have come face to face with something as magnificent... Princess, your beauty is resplendent."

"I don't want to be an ounce rude, but..." I glance over at Nicholas. "Who is this man?" The soldier quickly reaches out, yanking my hand down. I quickly turn my head, watching him wrap his fingers over the top of my hand. His grip is tight.
"I am but a humble servant to the Great Prince, Milady... As are the armies who serve behind me."

"The Grand Marshal, milady," Nicholas growls, moving his hand from my back to my waist, holding me against him. Something about this Grand Marshal is making Nicholas a bit uneasy.

"Grand Marshal..." I fake a smile. "Your Generals certainly speak quite highly of you... but I guess someone forgot to inform you of my proper title." I turn my eyes back down to him, really wanting him to let go of my hand.

"I am sorry, milady?" He raises his head, his eyes... His left one is a light brown just like Nicholas, but maybe a little darker than the other... His right eye... Its... It's blue? A dark blue... Nobody in Kragon has blue eyes...

"You are speaking to the Queen of Adhara. The Vessel of the Great Wolf." I harden my voice a little.

"I apologize, your Majesty. I was not informed of this new information." His eyes turn surprised. "It is a pleasure to be in your presence."

A man in the highest rank of Generals is in the prince's army and yet he's... "Grand Marshal Raizo, the Queen of Adhara has been here for weeks.." Nicholas steps forward, moving slightly in front of me... Almost wanting to protect me., forcing Raizo to drop my hand. "For the duration of her stay, I would like to ensure that she is treated with respect. That includes her entire entourage." I look up from the Grand Marshal over towards Alic.

His eyes meet mine for a second, before turning his head away. Looking off at something else. "My apologies, your highness. It is somewhat of a custom to spar with new recruits. That being said, I do understand your full concern." The Grand Marshal smiles, rising from the ground. "Flaire!"

"Yes, Uncle?" I turn my eyes, trying my best to have no expression toward her.

"Please accompany the young man to have his injuries treated."

"WHAT?" Flaire shouts, looking over at Alic in disgust.

"No thank you," Alic responds, looking her over. Sharing the same amount of disgust in her voice... Did something happen?

"B-But Uncle!" Flaire steps forward, wanting to protest.

"Do you need me to repeat myself? Report to me when he has been treated." The Grand Marshal responds, having no room for any sort of argument from his niece. "As I said before, this is nothing but a friendly custom. To be frank, the soldier did quite well-"

"Custom or not, you ought to be aware of the implications of sparing with a member of the Adhara guard. Especially with such a one-sided audience." Nicholas raises his voice. He is defending Alic...

"Relax, Prince Nicholas." The Grand Marshal moves toward him, putting his hand on the prince's shoulder. I turn my eyes watching him. Watching the Prince's reaction to his touch. His eyes keep straight, trying to pay no mind to him but his body is tense. "It is only our first meeting in months and here we are bickering with one another. I've hardly had a chance to get a good look at you." His voice is low, not allowing many people around us to hear the conversation. "My Generals had their doubts about you, but you've managed to handle the court rather well. Considering the coronation is just a few months away. I'm sure the Queen is quite pleased with you as well." I lower my eyes, feeling Nicholas's hand on my waist holding a pinch of my fabric. He is holding onto me. I turn my eyes back to Nicholas, moving my left hand behind his, placing my hand on his back. His eyes drop for a second, taking in a breath. "Speaking of which, I did hear some rumors that her Majesty has not been seen outside her quarters. Certainly, a woman of her prowess must be incredibly busy. I'd hoped you could shed a bit of light on this little situation."

"I wouldn't know." Nicholas raises his eyes up at the Grand Marshal.

"Her Majesty has been rather busy with other matters." I interrupted, keeping my tone flat. The Grand Marshal's eyes turn to look at me.

"His highness has not been to see his mother?" The Grand Marshal chuckles.

"No, I have not visited with her for a few days now, I have been rather busy."

"But the princess has already met with Queen Dianna." His eyes look me up and down.

"I have, Grand Marshal. She is quite an incredible woman." I watch his grip on Nicholas's shoulder grow tighter. I turn my body a little, being closer to Nicholas. I haven't seen Nicholas behave like this before... Sylvia mentioned that her mother's illness was something that had to be kept secret from the kingdom. Yet, not only is this man already aware, but he is using his knowledge to threaten Nicholas. I should have seen it right when I met his gaze. Snake...

"Pardon my rudeness, your Majesty." I quickly raise my eyes, seeing the Grand Marshal drop his hand from the prince's shoulders, looking right at me. "I have certainly not forgotten about you, my dear. As I'm sure neither have my soldiers... Well, gentlemen? What should we make of this?" I move a little closer to Nicholas, putting my hand on his chest. Feeling like I need to be closer to him. "Considering no one has seen a blue-eyed Royal in quite a few years. I ask you, is she as vicious as some of you believe?" He moves in front of me, and grabs my arms. Pulling me away from Nicholas's grasp. I look back, seeing my wolves break through the crowd. How did they get out of my room? I look back at Nicholas as the Grand Marshal pulls me out into the middle of the group of soldiers.

I turn my head, looking at all the soldiers around us. What is he trying to do? I glance back, seeing my wolves stop their advancements, keeping close to Nicholas. "Well, she is possibly as monstrous as the stories tell." I turn my eyes back to the Grand Marshal. "I for one can say that I am pleasantly surprised. Although, some things are beginning to make sense... From what I hear you've lived quite a sheltered life, stowed away on a frozen island for fear of what could happen to you. Even so, I do think we ought to award you some ounce of credit." His eyes are devilish, worse than Nicholas's.

"Credit?" I glance over my shoulder towards Nicholas. "For what, sir?"

"Why?" He lets me go, hurrying over to Nicholas. He grabs ahold of Nicholas's arm, pulling him out for everyone to see. "A blue-eyed princess in the dark den of enemies must be quite terrifying thing." I glance over at the prince. Keeping my eyes on the Grand Marshal as he presses his hand against my shoulder. "To be frank, I don't think I'm the only one surprised to hear the news of your engagement. The people of your kingdom are rather stubborn and prideful." I slowly turn my head to look back at the Grand Marshal. Why is he trying to parade us around all these soldiers? "It calls into question how they would allow a woman of your great status to be married off to... such a long hated enemy." He is trying to do something, make me mess up maybe? 

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