Chapter 30

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4 days until the Royal Wedding


"Please... PLEASE!! MOTHER!!" Her blue dress shines in the fire that surrounds us. "DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, watching her red hair blow in the wind as she continues to walk through the burning flames with her wolf right at her side. "MOTHER!!"


"MO-" I shoot awake, gasping for air... I quickly push my bedsheets from my body. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to gather my breaths. I slowly open my eyes, seeing Ace turn his head towards me. Laying his head on my lap. "Hello boy," I breathe... "I'm alright." I brush my fingertips against the top of his head.

Mother's hairpin? I quickly jump from my bed, pushing my chest of items open. "Where did I put it..." I could have sworn that I brought it with me. I push myself up onto my feet, walking over to my vanity. I pull open my wooden jewelry box, seeing it laying inside. I let out a relaxed breath. I smile pulling it from the box. I lay it down on the table, pulling my hair back from my face. I twist my red hair around my fingers. Grabbing the pin, I slide it down through my hair, twisting it before pushing it back down to make sure my hair stays in place. A couple of baby hairs slip from my pushed-back hairdo, hanging in front of my face. I quickly pull off my nightgown, pulling a thin light blue gown over my body. Golden specks line the bottom and the shoulders of the dress. KNOCK... KNOCK... KNOCK... "Come in!"

"Milady!" I lean back a little on my heels, sitting Maya peaking through the doorway. "Are you awake, Milady?"

"Yes, Maya." I turn my back to my vanity mirror lacing up my corset top.

"Do you need any help getting ready?"

"No, that is quite alright Maya," I respond.

"Why do you always lace up your own corsets?"

"It was always how my mother did it. Something she vaguely taught me before she died." I smile back at her, tying a bow.

"What was the Queen of Adhara like?" Maya slowly walks into the room. She sits down on the bench at the end of my bed. I smile, slipping my feet into a pair of light blue heels.

"My mother was fair." I smile back at Maya. "Their mother's name was Ember." I slowly sit down on the floor, allowing my wolves to surround me. "My mother ruled with her heart and her eyes." I smile, looking into Akita's eyes. "Wolves see more, hear more, feel more than humans." I look back up at Maya.

"Is it true you can see through their eyes? My mother always said the vessel could see through eyes."

"Yes, my mother could. I am still getting a hang of it." I smile. "But when I can, the world is so much clearer." Maya leans forward a little, intrigued by my words.

"Do you miss her?"

"Every day, but she is at peace with the Divine Wolf." I slowly turn my eyes towards the balcony. "Running freely in the snow."

"We should get to the dining room, breakfast should be served any minute now." She quickly stands up.

"Yes, of course." I smile, pushing myself up onto my feet. My wolves instantly get up, racing around us towards the door.

Maya giggles as they race around her, we continue out into the hall. "Your wedding is soon approaching, milady. You must be very excited!" Maya giggled. I smile, looking up at the red and blue streamers now hanging around the dark wood boards that run across the ceiling.

"Yes, the palace has begun to look very different within these past couple of days."

"Everyone is preparing, Milady... Everyone is ready for the Big Day to finally arrive." She giggles, having a huge smile on her face. "You don't get to see a wedding like this every day. Things must be absolutely perfect! I can't tell you how excited everyone is for your union with the prince."

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