Chapter 19

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"Well, I'd say you've had enough excitement for one day. Come on you should get your rest." Sylvia moves in front of me. Motioning down the hall to walk me back to my chambers.

"Not quite yet, Sylvia. I want to know the truth." I turn my eyes to look at her. "The Full Truth!"

"What are you talking about?" She moves from her normal self to someone a bit more nervous.

"Sylvia... Even the influence of the crown prince wanes with their interference. That is what you said the day I went into that meeting with your brother's Generals. Knowing what I have heard and what I probably shouldn't have heard within these walls. It is very clear that they have been against me from the very beginning and so has your brother. While he may be in a different standing than when we meet a week ago." I smile at her a little. "Someone more willing to meet with me and join the alliance. He certainly did not take a liking to the idea of marriage with his sworn enemy. He made that very clear when I got the chance to speak with him. So Sylvia... How did you pull all this off?"

"What?" She laughs, playing the confused card.

"Treacherous fox..." I look at her, watching her eyes. "That is what Flaire called you." I look at her, trying to put the pieces together in my mind but something is missing. A very big piece is missing. I know it isn't a what, but a who... Who is missing from this picture? "This whole alliance was your idea, wasn't it? The day of the negotiation... You said that Nicholas was the one who asked to be wed off to a blue-eyed princess who sought out an end to this war... But from what I've seen. I'm not so sure I believe that anymore. So how did you do it? How did you convince him to go against his Generals' advice?"

"I didn't convince him." her eyes drop, lowering her voice as well. "All my life, I have struggled to help my brother onto the path that would allow him to rule freely. This alliance was a special case. Although I can't take credit for everything... All I did was set a couple of pieces into place. Someone else had to form the pieces."

"Someone else?" I ask, taking a deep breath. "Who are you talking about, Sylvia?" Who was the one to make the choice? If it wasn't Sylvia or Nicholas... Who.. It wasn't my brother for sure... He was never too pleased about this whole thing. I don't even think he is on board as we speak.

"..." She takes a deep breath, looking back up at me.

"Sylvia, you are an incredible strategist.." I smile a little at her, regaining my ability to breathe properly. "I know how much you cherish your older brother, but if I am to one day rule but his side as his wife and as his Queen... I can't continue to be surprised at every turn I make. I want to be your ally, I have a kingdom I have to rule over as well... I can't be some clueless pawn in your game to end this war, because I need to know that it will benefit my people as well as yours."

She sighs, looking at me. "Come on." She takes my hand, walking me down the hall towards my chambers, but we take a different turn.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You wanted answers, correct?" She glances over at me.

"... Yes?" I respond, hesitantly.

"Very well then." She pulls me down another hall. "I just hope you are prepared." I look over at her, suddenly having a pit of worry sitting on my stomach. Prepared? Prepared for what? We slow down our pace a little, walking for what feels like forever. I keep my eyes open, noticing us turn corners into parts of the palace I have yet to walk through in my stay. We turn another corner, and suddenly the guards around us seem to double. Walking down the wide hallway towards a large set of doors with triple the amount of guards standing in front of it. Whoever is inside is very important, but are the guards to keep someone inside or to keep everyone else out?

"Why are there so many guards, Sylvia?" I look around us, none of the guards seem to pay us an ounce of attention. Their eyes locked on certain areas of the hall, watching almost every inch of the room.

"Katarina, what I am about to show you. You cannot speak about this to anyone. When we are inside, you will follow my lead exactly." She tightens her grip around my hand, leading me into the room. "Bow to the floor and do not breathe a word. Also, don't lift your gaze for any reason whatsoever." I watch Sylvia tense up, leading me further into the room. She finally drops my hand, instantly dropping to her knees. I pause for a moment, before following. Slowly lowering myself down onto my knees, bowing my head. Who are we bowing to? It is so dark in here.

"Who is it?" A woman coughs a few feet from us.

"Your Grace, Kady Sylvia has arrived to see you." A young woman responds to my left.

"Leave us." The woman hisses. The girl beside me squeals, hurrying out of the room. The door closes, and everything is silent. I fight the urge to raise my head, to see who is in front of us. "Sylvia, what insolence drives to disturb me at this hour in the night?' The voice inches closer. "Well... You know how preoccupied I am."

"I need to speak with you, Your Grace." I take a deep breath. Who is this woman?
"SILENCE!" She shouts over us, having the same spit of anger that Nicholas has in his voice. "Oh... You didn't tell me you were bringing a present with you." I slowly open my eyes, seeing the bottom of a red dress standing in front of me. Felt her hovering over me. "I suppose it's only proper that I take a closer look." A finger moves past my eyes. A gold claw covers her index finger. It pinches the bottom of my chin, forcing my head to raise. "My... It's been decades since I've laid my eyes on this... Do you know how many times I've wanted to care out eyes like these?" I slowly look up at the woman, seeing blood sitting in the corner of her mouth. I meet her eyes, seeing the same blood lust look in her eyes that I have seen in Nicholas's.

"Please mother..." Khairs whispers. M.. Mother... that means this is the... OH MY GOD!

"Y-You're..." I look up at her with wide eyes.

"Queen Dianna Warhelm of Kraghon, Katarina." Sylvia finishes my sentence, taking in a sharp breath. 

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