Chapter 7

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19 Days until the Royal Wedding

Ace's tail wags slowly against the edge of the navy blue cushion beneath him. His head stuck out the window. Watching the soldiers taking us on our journey to a new land. My wolves have never seen our world beyond a few feet outside the Kingdom's Wall... They haven't been out to play in the grass or even in the safety of our kingdom. Those palace walls were a trap for them, their energy growing as they wanted to go out and play. The twins lay beside their eldest brother, curled up into one another. The garden was their space to finally run and smell the fresh air.

I sigh quietly, laying my head back, my eyes drifting close for a moment. I open them, watching my Lieutenant look down at the carriage. Alic's blue eyes smiled at me, turning his head away as soon as he caught my eyes staring back. He flicks his reins, keeping pace with the carriage to keep just outside the door. Allowing nobody to get close enough to me, to even attempt to harm me. I turn my eyes back over to Ace, watching him pull his head back into the carriage. I smile, watching his eyes stare back into mine. "We should be arriving soon, my loves. Then you will be able to stretch your legs." I lower my eyes, feeling Luna pressing her back against my legs. She turned over onto her right side, stretching out her hind legs slightly. Not having a ton of room on the floor.

"We are nearing the Kingdom of Kraghon, your Majesty!" I raise my eyes, looking out the white curtains. Watching the Captain turn back towards the carriage, leaving another soldier to lead the group.

"What is it, Captain?" I push aside the curtain, looking at him as he turns to ride along the right side.

"I have orders from your brother." He lowers his eyes to look at me. I watch him reach down into his saddle, pulling out a letter. "Here," He extends his arm out to me. I slowly reach out, taking the scroll.

"Do you know the contents of the letter?" I look up at him.

"No, you're Majesty." He bows his head to me, flicking the reins on his horse. Speeding back up to the front of the group. I slowly sit back, looking at my family's seal holding the scroll closed. I slowly press my finger into the opening, pulling the wax seal up.

Dearest sister,

I have not consulted you as I should have while taking over your throne. This has always been your kingdom and I have only wanted to protect you from the evil that conspired in taking our parents. Only after the events that happened just a few days ago, you are ready. You are willing to do what is necessary for our Kingdom and our people. I hope that this choice will end the bloodshed. But to the dearest matter of this letter. I wanted the Captain to wait till you were nearing Kraghon to give this to you. I have removed myself from the throne the morning of your departure. You may not have had a grand coronation like our parents would have wanted but there was no time for that. You are now Queen of the Kingdom of Adhara. I pray for your safety sister and your safe return.

Love your brother, Prince Sebastian

Queen? My brother stepped down... I raise my eyes from the paper. I heard faint whispers outside of my carriage. I turn my eyes, watching people stop their daily tasking, watching a blue and silver carriage ride past them. Our colors have always been blue and silver. They are red, black, and gold, and they are Dragons so it makes sense. I just hope the prince isn't as terrifying as I have always imagined him to be. I lower my head, running my hand along the top of Akita's head. Her ears pinch back, moving her head a little further into my lap. "HALT!" A rough voice yells, making the carriage come to a sudden stop.

"What in the heavens?" I jolt forward, my back slamming back against the cushions behind me. I turn my head towards my left window. "What is the matter?"

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