Chapter 11

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"Katarina, where in the world have you been? I have been combing the entire palace for you?" Sylvia grabs my arms, breathing heavily.

"Sylvia, what is the matter?" I ask, holding onto her arms.

"Katarina, this isn't good."

"Sylvia... Breathe.." I smile at her. "What is going on?"

"There is a war meeting... and Nicholas is in a meeting with his Advisors."

"A war meeting, right now?" I look at her.

"Yes, we have to hurry." She takes my right hand, pulling me back into the palace.

"Wait, you want me to attend the meeting?" I pull on her hand, making her stop.

"We have to hurry." She looks back at me, pulling me down the hall.

"Sylvia, please... W-Wait. Slow down." I hurry after her, geez this girl walks fast.

"I'm sorry, Katarina. I should have expected that the Generals would try to pull something like this." She finally breathes, slowing down.

"The Generals?" I ask. "I've spoken with plenty of officials before, we are Royals after all. There's nothing to worry about. I can handle this, just fine." I smile.

"You don't understand Katarina. These individuals are not just simple officials. There's a lot you have to learn about the politics of this kingdom. Even the influence of the crown prince wanes with their interference..."

"They are against the prince?"

"They want to catch us off guard, wanting to take advantage of any situation. What will we do? Everything we've worked for will begin to unravel itself." She starts to bite her nails.

"Sylvia." I reach for her hand, pulling her nails out of her mouth. "I am not going to let anything like that happen." I smile at her. "I won't let anything or anyone risk this alliance. It will be okay."

"Alright." She nods. "The meeting is in there." She leaves my side. I turn towards the door, watching her knock three times. "Good luck." She smiles back at me, walking down the hall.

"Stay," I whisper.

"ENTERING HER MAJESTY!" I hold my head high, walking towards the doors as they start to open. I walk through the open frame, hearing the guards close them behind me.

"She looks like a farm girl who got dressed up for the first time." A female general whispers.

"Maybe with a few fair ornaments she could actually look the part." Another giggled.

"GREETING GENERALS!" I raise my voice. The whispers continue, not even looking at me. "My Name is Katarina Freethorn, the Queen of Adhara. The Divine progeny of the second clan." I push myself forward, walking towards the empty chair at the end of the table. I slip into the seat, having all their eyes on me. "And Your Future Queen!"

"Your Majesty, If I may be the first to say Congratulations on your betrothal. We have been waiting for a chance to wish you good fortune in your union with the Prince." The General to my right smiles, pulling his hands down from the table into his lap.

"Why yes, thank you, General." I smile, looking around the room at the Generals sitting at the table. "I am most humbled by your kindness." Only is it true kindness or a fault they put up before the explosion? Sylvia was worried about something, it wasn't just about me meeting with Nicholas's Generals but possibly more about what they would say in the absence of their crown prince. People like to talk and talk they will... Their only fault will be that they will talk when nobody is around.

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