Chapter 3

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"Katarina!" Sebastian calls after me as I pull one of the doors open. My wolf's paws tap the ground as they follow close behind me. I stumble out into the hall, my feet turning into slush. I stumble into the wall in front of me, gaining my breath. What did I just agree to? Get a grip, Katarina. I suck in a deep breath, pushing myself off the wall. Gathering the layers of my dress in my grasp, I ran back down the hallway, running for the Throne Room. My pace slows as I squeeze between my parent's thrones, turning to run up the winding stairs.

My wolves race ahead of me, knowing exactly where I am headed. Know exactly where I am running to, my safe place. I turn the right corner I know so well, heading down the short hallway to my chambers. I stopped in front of my white double doors for only a second before pushing one of them open. My wolves filed in, turning to watch me as I raced in behind them. Distant footsteps echo throughout these quiet halls. I quickly turn, slamming my door closed behind me. I turned the lock to prevent anyone from following me. Marriage? I just agreed to marriage?? To a man, I have only known as my enemy. I pinch my eyes shut as I press my body against my door. My feet break their grip, sliding out from underneath me. I collapsed down onto the floor, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. Remembering my mother and father... I always thought I would marry for love... How could I ever love a man who murdered hundreds of my people?

I have to keep my promise... I have to put my people's well-being before my own. I wrap my arms around my body, holding myself. My grip only grows tighter and I cry. My wolves slowly surround me, not allowing me to be alone for even a moment. Their fur brushes against my body as they lay down around me. "What have I done!" I raise my head, wrapping my arms around Luna's neck. Holding her close to me as I pinch my eyes closed. This all has to be a bad dream. I should wake up at any moment. Please wake up! Please wake up! This all has to be a bad dream.

I told her I would do whatever it took to save our people. They are starving and might not last through the winter. Our troops hardly have enough food for themselves. We have barely been able to fill two wagons full of food and supplies. Their steeds must be worn to the bone by now. Many have probably died of starvation. Our men's hands are beaten to a silver. If only I could have saved both of them before it was too late. I pinch my eyes shut. "I miss you both... so much.." I scream... My body trembles, toppling over with exhaustion. I feel a warm body worm its way under my head. I slowly open my eyes, seeing Akita looking back at me. Her eyes are focusing on me as though she is feeling the same pain I am. I close my eyes, letting my body give away. Their warmth protects me from the cold.

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