Chapter 12

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"ENOUGH!" His voice rolls over the room like a storm. "Oh, joy.." His voice drops, making me slowly turn my heave to my right shoulder. Seeing him standing beside me. "Who invited you?"

"Your Highness, We weren't expecting you to b-" The General's voice shook.

I push myself up onto my feet, turning towards the prince. "Well, well... If it isn't the one and only Adhara Queen. Tell me," He grabs my hand, having this everlasting evil look in his eyes. I allow myself to relax, watching him raise my hand up to his lips. Kissing the top of my knuckles. "What have I done to deserve you?" I smile, feeling a warm heat brush against my cheeks. "What an Honor for you to grace us with your presence." He pulls me a little closer, his eyes staring down at me.

"What are you?" I whisper. He moves a little closer, not wanting anyone to hear him speak this time.

He grins, wrapping his hand around my back. I let out a slow breath, unable to take in another. He pulls me closer, making me arch my back a little, looking up at his dark eyes. "Just play along, darling." He pulls back, allowing me to take in a sharp breath. I drop my eyes, taking in a slow breath. "One of these days, dear betrothed. You must do me the honor of joining me for dinner." I smile, playing along. How far is he willing to take this little act of his?

"Dinner?" I ask...

"Of course. I can't bear to wait for our next night, Queen Katarina. I'll have the palace chief prepare your favorite meal... a dish fit for a Queen of your nature." He grins.

"Well..." I glance over at the Generals. "I suppose, I'd like that very much, your Highness." I smile back at Nicholas.

"AHEM!" A general coughs, clearing, wanting us to give them some of our attention.

"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" Nicholas asks, moving his eyes from me.

"W-Well, Prince Nicholas. I must say that your presence has taken us quite off guard... We were informed that you would be busy the entire morning." The General smiles, glancing over at me.

"You are quite a well-informed General. I wonder where you get such information." The prince glares down at the Generals. He moves his hand along my waist and onto my lower back, pulling me closer to him. "However, my regular scheduled meetings with the merchant guilds are usually so long and boring, I figured today I'd end my appointment early." He turns from the Generals to look at me. "The thought of spending time with my stunning creature of a fiance was more than enough incentive to leave some tedious meeting." He smiles down at me. "Imagine my surprise when I learned you were here, dearest... In a war meeting with my decorated Generals." His voice slowly starts to raise, keeping his attention on the Generals. "Frankly I can't discern if this is merely a coincidence... Or if Someone's trying to go over my HEAD!"

"Why Your Highness!"

"We would-" The Generals all looked panicked, side-eyeing one another. "We would never do such a thing!"

"Of course! Our only concern is the state of the Kingdom... The State of the Kingdom is our only concern."

I look up at Nicholas, feeling his body getting hot from his temper. The Generals have to be the ones who are making him be on edge all the time... They have to be... Because if it's not them. Then who is? "As such, I hope any matter regarding our alliance shall be discussed with the both of us." I close my eyes, making my body colder. He flinches a little, shaking at the change in my body temperature. I open my eyes, feeling the heat on his skin go down. "With the coronation but a few months away, perhaps my Generals can begin to rest easy." He smiles down at them. "With you at my side." He turns back to me, dropping his hand down from my back. He turns his body towards the door, offering his left forearm to me. "We shall bring prosperity to our Kingdoms, won't we?"

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