Chapter 44

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"Look! The Royal Couple!!" I turn my eyes looking out to the village. Everyone is lining the streets, tossing rose petals up into the air. Cheering and giggling as they look into the carriage.

"How Romantic!!" The girls giggle as they wave toward us, wanting us to notice every single one of them. I reach out to my side of the window, watching the smaller children jump just to touch my fingertips.

"Our Future Queen!" People scream, and I hardly know where to look. Everyone is moving, waving, and cheering.

"Future KING!!" A couple of girls squeal on Nicholas's side, I giggle looking at him. I smile, slowly laying my head down on his shoulder. His right hand presses down against his knee. His left hand still holding my right. His fingers interlaced with my small fingers. I look down, staring at the beautiful blue gem on my finger. We are officially married... Who would have thought?

"Your people are quite enthusiastic, it's rather hard to keep up with all this." I slide my head back a little, allowing myself to look up at him.

"You ought to save that strength of yours. We still have a few hours of this before we can finally return to the palace, but we still have a party there." He smiles down at me, gently kissing my forehead. The people's cheers only seem to get louder making Nicholas and myself both chuckle.

"You're probably right... But, I do truly enjoy all of this. Back home, I would accompany my father when he would allow me to see how my people were in the kingdom. I have never realized till now how much I truly miss it. The palace may be a grand beauty, but this palace is so lively and-" I smile, looking out his window.

"Katarina, don't tell me you have never snuck out of the palace grounds before?" Nicholas chuckles, pulling his head back a little to look down at me.

"Me? Never..." I giggle. "Have you?" I smiled at him. He is truly peaceful, it is nice to see the real him and not Nicholas who is stressed to the bone. He looks as though he is worried about nothing in the world, no Generals, no Grand Marshal, or even his sick mother.

"All the time. Well, at least when I could do so. Frankly, it's been a while since I have done it. With all the meetings I have been required to attend. Once things begin to calm down, I'd like to show you what the kingdom has to offer."

"I might have to take you up on that, husband." I smile, leaning against him a little more. "It feels as though it has been years since I first came instead of only a month ago."

"How so?"

"Well we went from barely speaking when I first arrived, you did not care in the slightest to meet me. Now, I feel as though we would rather enjoy each other's company."

"I do enjoy your company, my Queen." He leans forward, kissing my forehead.

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