Chapter 40

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I sigh, leaning against the railing on the second level of the palace. Watching the last sliver of the sun disappear. Another day without them, she wanted me to get angry. I grip the railing in front of me, watching the sky turn a dark blue. The bright stars are beginning to make themselves known. "So the cornered beast does know how to strike doesn't she?" I turn my head over my right shoulder at the sound of Nicholas's voice.

"That supposed to be some kind of hilarious joke?" I turn my head away, taking a deep breath.

"What?" He chuckles. "I leave you alone for two minutes. Give me a warning before you decide to take out our prisoner, alright sweetheart?" I turn my head, looking over at him. Our prisoner? "It's a miracle your wound didn't bust open again."

I lower my eyes, looking down at the ground below. "I was scared, Nicholas."

"Of her?" He nudges my shoulder. "The guards and those wolves of yours would never have let anything happ-"

"Not her. Of me." I turn my head, looking at Nicholas. He moves closer, his shoulder brushing mine. "Of myself, Nicholas. I knew I had won the argument the moment the guards were holding her down. She was defenseless and restrained... and yet... I had this hunger wanting to harm her... I wanted to watch her bleed onto the ground. To see her suffer as I did. I have never felt that way before about anyone. Let alone act on the action of wanting to hurt someone." I turn my head away from him, gripping the railing a little tighter. "Who am I becoming?"

"You're not the only one." I look down, his pinky brushing against my hand. "Even when I wasn't in your presence I could sense the same thing. The rage, and anger." I can feel his eyes looking at me. Slowly I turn my head, raising them to meet his piercing eyes. "The ceremony is tomorrow. We might have convinced the palace maids of our "undying love" for one another." I smile, swaying my body to hit my shoulder against his. "But the people outside are not so gullible. This marriage is supposed to symbolize the union between two countries that have been fighting one another for centuries. It's going to take more than a smile to win my people over."

"I see..." I turn my eyes back to the night sky. Looking at the stars beginning to light up the darkness.

"Don't look so down. Between you and I, you are much more likely to keep a level head." He chuckles, shoving his shoulder against mine.

"So confident, Your Highness..." I turn my head over my left shoulder, looking down at my wolves. I have seen through Luna's eyes and Ace's eyes... Can I see through the others too? "Do you ever doubt yourself, Nicholas?" I turn my head, looking at him. "That woman. Girl... She truly believed that what she was doing was the right thing. Right now, some people would do anything to wipe us out. They want this alliance to do anything but succeed. Even when the fate of so many depends on this. Do you ever fear what might happen?"

"Fear?" He chuckles. "Never. I just lie awake at night thinking about it. I don't know what the future holds... I don't know what my Generals will do, or if another hoard of assassins won't try their luck sneaking in here again." I turn my eyes away from him, looking down at the garden. Seeing the Grand Marshal. "I don't know if I'll be able to protect this kingdom the way my brother could..." I hear him shift his weight, turning towards me. I turn my eyes away from the Grand Marshal, turning towards the prince. "Don't look at me like that, Katarina. What fun is it to know what the future holds anyway? After all, you were a surprise." He grabs my hand, raising it. I watch him as he presses his lips against the top of my knuckles. "Sleep well..." He smiles, moving closer to me. Butterflies fly rapidly in my stomach as I look up at him. "My Queen."

"Nicholas?" I respond, letting out of breath. Why do I keep acting like this whenever he gets extremely close to me?

"Yes?" He smiles.

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