Chapter 18

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"Shh! It's me." I focus my eyes, seeing Sylvia standing in front of me. She slowly takes her hand off my mouth, allowing me to catch my breath.

"Dammit, Sylvia," I whisper harshly.

"Katarina, what in the world are you doing here?"

"I..." I shake my head a little, looking down at my feet. My whole body hurts now. I slowly push my head back, standing against the wall.

"You were supposed to be having a nice dinner with my brother. Yet suddenly, the whole palace erupts when two maidens come screaming their heads off saying something terrible happened." Sylvia sighs. "Katarina, the whole damn palace is looking for you. What in the world happened?"

"I..." Every word Flaire said replays in my head on repeat. "I.. I heard... I heard her.."

"Her?" Sylvia moves closer to me. "Her who?"

"Flaire." I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. "She wants me dead, Sylvia." I look her in the eyes, seeing the sheer panic in her eyes.

"Katarina, you know my brother would never hurt you, right? He may be harsh but he does care about your well-being. He'd never let anything happen to you. I promise, after all, you are the key to this whole alliance." Sylvia smiles a little, trying to calm my racing heart.

"No.." I quickly shake my head. "I... I can't... I can't face him... Right now.. When... When he-" My breathing is too quick for me to focus on every word. Why is this so painful? I need everything to slow down... I press my body a little harder against the wall. Feeling something fighting inside my head. Fighting for space or a voice... I don't know.


"OVER HERE!" I turn my head, seeing a set of guards running towards us. I quickly turn, sliding into a bundle inside the bunched-up curtains. I pull my hand over my mouth, shielding my heavy breathing. I don't want anyone to hear me... Please don't hear me.

"Lady Sylvia? Her Majesty has gone missing, did you happen to see her run through here by chance?"

"Her Majesty? What?" Sylvia asks, pretending to be panicked. "Did you happen to see what she was wearing? I, unfortunately, passed a lot of people in a hurry this evening."

"I... um"

"It was a red dress, Lady Sylvia." Another guard responds.

"A red dress... Let me think." Sylvia pauses for a moment, dragging them along. "Oh yes, I did see a woman with red hair recently... She went that way." I lean forward, watching her point them in the other direction. "Past the red pillars and the red drapes."

"Red pillars, red drapes... Understood!" I lean back, this palace is covered in red pillars and red drapes. "Thank you, Princess!" Their heavy footsteps runoff getting quieter and quieter.

"Good luck, boys!" Sylvia yells, after them. I slowly stepped out, wanting to take a moment to make sure they were all completely gone.

"Lady Sylvia-" I stop, shuffling back into the curtains at the sound of Alic's voice. I bite my lips together, hoping that he will just walk away without a fuss. "Please, I need to know where she is. I beg of you, tell me if you saw her..." I lean forward slightly. Seeing Alic's eyes full of worry and distress as he stares down at Sylvia. "I need to know she is safe."

"I just told you, I-"

"I beseech you, your highness." Alic drops to his knees before Sylvia, hanging his head low. I notice Sylvia's eyes widen, seeing a blue soldier bowing before a red princess. "She trusts you. I know she does... I used to think she trusted me as well, but these past few days... I feel as though I don't know her as well anymore. Please, I just have to know that she is safe."

"I... I'm so sorry, soldier, but like I told the other guards... I didn-"

"Please I-"

"Don't turn around," I whisper, hiding behind the pillar.

"Katarina?" He sighs in relief.

"I..." He begins to turn his head back to me.

"Please, I said don't turn around," I speak quickly, watching him turn his head back towards Sylvia. "I am alright... Forgive me for just standing here not speaking a word... I... I know i've been distant lately, but not for the reasons you may think." I lower my eyes, pausing for a moment. "Alic, there has never been anyone I have trusted more in my entire life than you, but for right now... I need time to figure something out on my own. I know you may not understand and are probably rather confused, but I want to thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, Lieutenant. If I may.. I just have one favor I wish to ask of you." I take a deep breath, laying my head against the pillar. "Only for my sake, tonight."

"Anything for you, Katarina," he whispers, lowering his head. "I will do anything you ask of me."

"Please..." I pause, taking in a breath. "Don't stop searching."

"Understood, My Queen." He sighs, walking away calmly. I take a slow step out, watching him keep his head straight. He continues walking, not even taking a second to look back... Doing exactly what I asked. I don't move, watching him turn the corner to go down a different hallway. 

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