Chapter 26

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He keeps his hand in mine, walking together back onto the palace grounds. My wolves race around us, their paws hitting the stone path. "Wait, so why hasn't your mother's dragon made an appearance to protect her?" I question, turning towards him.

"We are vessels of the Ancient Dragons. My mother's health has flowed over into her Dragon's health. They are both slowly dying."

"That's terrible." I turn my eyes away. "So that means..."

"When she dies, Cethy will die too."

"Cethy, that is her name?"
"Yes, He smiles, tightening his grip on my hand a little.

"I know Sylvia's is named Bindy... What's your Dragon's name?"

"His name is Ursen." He chuckles.

"Ursen... I like it." I smile, moving my body a little closer to his. Our arms rubbing against each other. The sun is beginning to set as we walk around outside the palace. I slowly pull us both to a stop, turning my eyes to look back towards the sun. Watching the sun begin to disappear below the horizon. Nicholas slowly turns, standing behind me. I can feel his breath on the back of my head. His chest rose, brushing my back before letting that breath out. I don't move, watching the sky. The beautiful colors cover the world above us. The sun slowly inching further and further below the horizon.

"I've never watched the sunset before... It is beautiful."

"Sunsets were my mother's favorite." I smile. "I loved the sunrise." I slowly turn, meeting his chest. I slowly raise my eyes, looking up at him.

"You are beautiful as well." He smiles down at me, taking my hand again. He slowly raised my knuckles, kissing the top of my hand.

"Thank you, Nicholas." I blush, bowing my head.

"Let us go." Nicholas pulls at my hand a little, continuing our walk around the grounds. "It is starting to get a little cold out here." Nicholas shivers, trying to laugh it off.

"This is nothing like back in Adhara." I smile, "But then again, the cold doesn't bother a wolf. Their fur is too thick." I giggle, looking up at him.

"Right." He sighs, shaking his head a little. "How cold is the Northern Lands?"

"Winter is the worst, the blizzards are like wildfires here. During the Spring and Summertime, it gets just warm enough where the flowers bloom in the garden... The tree my mother and Ember are buried beneath, blooms of beautiful leaves and beautiful white and pink flowers."

"Ember?. . .Who's Ember?" Nicholas slows down a little.

"Their mother." I look ahead towards my wolves. "Fang was the last one to see his mother alive... before.." I bow my head for a moment, keeping the tears from falling.

"Hey," I raise my eyes, letting a tear fall. "Hey," His eyes turn compassionate, turning in front of me. He raises his right hand, brushing the tear off my cheek. "Their passing lead to this moment," He smiles, keeping his hand on my face.

"There have been many lives lost for this moment," I whisper, looking up at him.

"Yes, there was, this war has broken down both of our kingdoms." He slowly pulls his hand down from my face, interlocking his fingers in my hand. "But maybe with this alliance, we can help rebuild the lives of those in both our kingdoms."

"I hope so." I smile, gulping down a breath. His head quickly raises, looking around us. "What?" I turn my head over my shoulder, seeing not a soul around us.

"Come on out, Sylvia," he shouts over me. "I know you are there!"

I slowly turn around, seeing Sylvia walk out from behind a pillar a few feet behind us. "It's you two? What a coincidence... I had no idea anyone else came to this old place." She smiles, having such a guilty look on her face.

"How long were you standing there for?" Nicholas moves beside me, unimpressed by his sister snooping on us.

"Not long, brother." She smiles, glancing over at me. Nicholas pulls his hand from mine, crossing his arms over his chest. "Only long enough to watch you two stare longingly into each other's eyes!" She giggles.

"What?" My cheeks turn flush, glancing over towards Nicholas.

"Give it a rest, Sylvia. You are just making up lies now." I look up at him, his face is angry as always. I lower my head, my cheeks blushing even more. She wasn't wrong, he was looking at me and I was looking at him. Now maybe it wasn't longing for each other but we were definitely still looking at one another for a lot longer than usual.

"I know what I saw, brother." Sylvia smiles over at me. I smile, glancing up at Nicholas.

"Go mind your own business for once please, Sylvia." Nicholas sighs, meeting my gaze.

"What were you two talking about?" She sways back and forth, folding her arms behind her back.


"The wedding, Sylvia." Nicholas is quick to cut me off. Pressing his right hand against my back. I inhale a sharp breath, smiling back at his sister.

"Yes," I nod. She looks me up and down, knowing all too well that I am probably lying.

"Alright, I'll leave you to be." She smiles, backing away.

"Thank you," Nicholas sighs, moving in front of me.

"You lied." I look up at him. "Why?"

"Because I want this moment to be ours." he smiles. "I want us to have our time together, alone. I want to learn your secrets, but I want to earn them first. As you will begin to learn mine."

"Now you are speaking like a true ally." I smile up at him.

"Yes," He smiles, running his right hand behind his neck. "I should have started acting like one sooner."

"Better now than never." I take a step closer to him. His eyes staring down at me, no anger... No intention of trying to hurt me, no fear or tension. It is just him and I in these halls. Besides my wolves watching us, we are alone. "Nicholas?"


"Milady?" I take a step back, turning my head to my right. Seeing Maya hurrying towards me.

"Maya," I smile, giving the prince a quick glance. "Is something wrong, you look flushed?"

"No, I am alright, milady. I just wanted to inform you that your dinner has just arrived in your chambers. I didn't want it to get cold before you returned." She smiles, glancing over at the prince.

"Of course." I nod, glancing back towards Nicholas. I step forward, beginning to leave with Maya. I pause, turning back towards Nicholas. "Goodnight, your highness." I bow my head.

"Goodnight, Katarina." He bows, walking away in the other direction. I smile, turning back towards Maya.

"So you and the prince?" She giggles as we turn to walk back into the palace.

"Be silent, Maya." I smile, taking her arm. "We were only speaking to one another."

"Yes you were, but you were doing it alone." She giggles, pulling on my arm a little.

"Maya, the prince, and I will speak alone many times to come. This is nothing to get giggly about." I smile at her, shaking my head a little. I glance over my shoulder, seeing him around the corner heading back to his chambers possibly. He was real in those last few moments we had with one another. That was the real Nicholas, everything else is the wall he has put up to protect himself.

Someone more central has caused him to have such a thick wall, but maybe with this alliance. With Nicholas and I spending more time together, maybe just maybe that wall can begin to fall. He will be a great ruler, he just needs to know that he has someone at his side. I turn my head back around, giving Maya a quick smile. Walking with her back to my chambers. I wonder what the chef has prepared for dinner?... I am starving.

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