Chapter 37

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"Just a few more stitches, Your Majesty." The palace physician stands behind me.

"Ow... Ouch!" I hiss, glancing over my shoulder at the physician. "It... It hurts, doctor." I hold my hands close to my chest, keeping the front of my dress from falling. My hands are hidden away in my sleeves, biting the inside of my lip as he sticks the needle into my wounded skin. I lower my eyes, seeing clothes lying behind me covered in blood. How big is this cut on my side?

"Forgive me, Your Highness." He responds, sticking the needle into my skin again. I turn my head away. Bowing my head as I bite my lips together. I pinch my eyes shut, their masks pop into view. I quickly open my eyes, inhaling a sharp breath. I slowly turn my head over my right shoulder, seeing the prince sitting on my bed. I release the tight grip I had on my lips, seeing his face half-hidden behind the red drapes. His eyes are not meeting mine, but looking at something else... My wolf marking. "The wound must have reopened with all the moving around you were doing." I turn my head, looking down at my lap.

"Right," I whisper.

"I'll just finish resewing the wound and rebandage it for you. You will heal just fine, milady. It may be difficult, but please try and avoid doing anything too strenuous for the next couple of days. Otherwise, there will be a risk of the wound reopening again."

"Thank you, physician," I answer, taking in a small breath. He turns quietly taking out the gauze. Making turns to wrap up my wound nice and tight.

"That should do it. I must admit, in all my years as a palace physician the marks that you Royals have never ceased to amaze me." I pull the collar of my sleeves back up onto my shoulders.

"Is that so?" I ask, glancing down at my right side. My marking reached up over my shoulder, stretching down to my thigh. It is wide, reaching over the ride side of my chest, almost touching the center of my back. I look down at its blue color. It has always looked rather faded to me, but the color is a lot brighter.

"Why yes! Despite your wounds, it's rather remarkable how quickly your body has begun to recover in just the past three days." I raise my eyes, pulling my robe back over my shoulders. Pulling the fabric close, I tied a bow on my right side. I jump down from the table, bowing my head to the physician before walking back into my bedroom.

I reach forward, pushing the red drapes aside but I stop. Seeing Nicholas lying on his side, facing away from me. I slowly walk towards the end, coming around the side to see his eyes lying closed peacefully. I slowly walk towards him, trying not to make a sound. He must have barely slept these past few days. Trying to find the people who attacked me. I stop, looking down at his eyes lying peacefully closed. Getting some much-needed rest. He saved my life... He risked his own life to save mine, my body was so weak and heavy. Without him, I probably wouldn't be here. Who knows if my wolves would have made it in time without his help? They know his scent now, they weren't just looking for me.

I reach out, not even thinking. I brush my fingertips against his face, brushing a strand of hair from his face. He sits up quickly, grabbing my wrist. Preventing me from falling back, my heart stops for a moment looking at him. "How long do you intend to keep following me around? This wouldn't have happened if you had only returned to your chambers when I ordered! For heaven's sake, go back to sleep." His voice is groggy and rough.

"Sleep?" I giggle, looking at his hand around my wrist. "Umm... This is my bed you're lying in, your highness."

"Ugh..." He groans, rubbing his forehead. "Forgive me. I've been awake for far too long. I'll get out of your hair." He slowly sits up, getting up onto his feet.

"Wait!" I quickly spin around, grabbing his hand. I quickly look down at my fingers wrapped around his dry hand. I slowly pull my hand down, making me move closer. I turn my eyes towards the food at the end of the bed. "I mean... The doctor did advise me that I should try and eat something, but there is far too much here for me to finish all on my own." I smiled at him. Trying to keep my cheeks from blushing too red. 'Technically, we never did have our night together for dinner..." His eyes look at me, trying to hide a smile. "Won't you join me?"

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