Chapter 32

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I stand in an open corridor, looking out at the pouring rain. I pull the cover-up over my head, running back into the rain. I ran across the grounds into the stables. I take a breath, watching my wolves hurry in after me. Shaking themselves off again. I lower the cover back down onto my shoulders, looking around the lit stalls. I slowly move further inside. "Here boy." I pause, hearing a familiar voice.

"Alic?" I call out, watching him appear inside one of the stalls. His eyes lower, stepping out of Zephyr's stables. Turning to leave out the other side. "Wait, Please!" I jump forward a little. "Look, I know what you are going to say.. Me being here is just going to cause more problems, but I don't know what to believe anymore. We haven't spoken since the day we arrived, but I thought it was for the best and now I realize that was completely foolish of me. I thought by doing that I was protecting you, but instead... I watched you get injured on my behalf. On our home's behalf and never uttered a word to you. You don't have to look or even speak to me ever again. If that is what you see fit, I want you to know that I'm terribly sorry. I don't deserve all that you have done for" He quickly turns around me, wrapping his arms around me. I stand frozen, feeling the cover Nicholas gave me slip off my shoulder.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing?" He whispers. "Just..." He pauses, tightening his grip a little. "Stay like this."

We stay there for a moment before Alic lets me go. I kneel down, picking up the blanket to pull back over my shoulders. We both lean up against the wooden railings, watching the rain pour down outside. My wolves lay in the middle of the floor, lying close to one another to warm each other up. Ace keeps his head up, watching the rain. "It looks like the rain might finally be letting up."

"I hope so." I smile. "It's been like this for a while now." I sigh, leaning back against a post next to Alic. I smile down at my wolves as they move a little closer together. "I'm glad you're alright," I whisper, lowering my eyes.

"What about you? I take your last encounter with that Future Husband of yours that didn't go very well?" Alic nudges my shoulder.

"It's not that... Just ever since the Marshal appeared on the grounds. He seems too different. I really thought we were past all the secrets and the hiding, but he's even tenser than before. He won't speak or listen to anything I say... His guard is completely back up around me and I don't know what to do. If I try to speak with him, he only becomes defensive. As for Raizo..." I pause, glancing over at Alic. "There is an eye that needs to be kept close to him. I'm not sure what happened in the past between my mother and him, but I think he has something to do with her... more like.." I take a deep breath, looking out towards the rain. "Like he had something to do with the day she died."

"Really? Well, that guy does fight like a snake. It wouldn't surprise me if he is one if we are being honest. Although... I have to admit that his soldiers do respect him, despite losing so terribly to him. His words did catch me off guard." I turn my eyes back to Alic, noticing his eyes are focused ahead. "I thought I was going to be ridiculed by him, but instead he praised me as if I was just another soldier on the guard... It's strange, I wouldn't have expected that from an enemy General." He smiles a little, looking down at Fang laying at his feet.

I feel Zephyr's nose touch the back of my head, before tugging on the cover around my shoulders. "AUG!" I quickly turn, trying to pull the fabric from his mouth. "Zephyr, stop that!" I shouted, tugging on the fabric. "BAD HORSE! DROP IT.... I said DROP IT NOW!" I stop hearing Alic chuckling beside me. I turn, seeing a huge smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

"I forgot how much I missed this." He smiles, leaning back against the railing.

"What do you mean?" I ask, finally getting the cover out of Zephyr's mouth. I shake my head, pulling it back around my shoulders.

"Just... Being around you." He grins. "I don't know... Maybe James was right to try and keep us away from one another."

"Alic... I-"

"Milady!" I quickly spin towards the door, seeing a maiden hurrying into the shelter of the stables. "Milady, I have been searching for you everywhere! Thank goodness I finally found you, it is very important!"

I look a little closer at the girl, recognizing her from this morning. "Hold on dear... Are you alright? Did you get a chance to get your injuries looked over?"

"Y-Yes milady. Although I came to inform you that the prince wishes to speak with you. It's urgent that we go see him as soon as possible before he changes his mind."

"His Highness?" I glance back at Alic. "I just spoke with him only a few moments ago." I turn my head back towards the maiden. "Why does he want to speak with me?"

"He did not say, Your Majesty. But he has requested your presence."

I smile, "Yes, of course, I will be right there." I nod, starting to follow her back into the drizzling rain.

"Katarina," Alic grabs my wrist, stopping me from following her. "Hold on just a second." he moves up to my side. "Let me come with you, you said things didn't end well the last time you spoke with him."

"Alic.." I lay my hand on top of his. "It's quite alright, it was but a small argument. Besides, I wouldn't want him to think I feel threatened by him. I know he can seem distant and harsh but he also wants this alliance to succeed just as much as I do. Maybe he has had a chance to think over what I said." I smile up at Alic.

"Milady, we should hurry!" The maiden calls from the doorway.

"Yes, I am right behind you, dear." I smile back at her. 

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