Chapter 1

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"Milady?" A gasp brings me back from the joy of playing with my wolves like we did when I was just a child and they were just cubs. That was years ago, when they were only a few months old, and when I was just a girl.

"Melody?" I let out a breathless smile, wiping my cold wet hands against the front of my dark blue velvet skirt. I brush the snow off my dress, melting back into the ground at my feet.

"Your Highness! You are covered in snow!" She shakes her head, pulling me out of the mound of snow I stand in. Another maiden moves around me, draping my cloak over my shoulders... I forgot my coat again.

"Aren't you cold, dear?" The maiden whimpers, her cheeks already turning a bright red from the cold.

"Not one bit." I smile, taking my white gloves from Melody. "I just needed a bit of fresh air..." I smile down at my wolves as they continue to play their little game. "I guess I just got a little ahead of myself." I smile over at Melody, but her facial expression just shows that she is less than pleased. Her hands move over my skirt, getting rid of what little snow that has begun to mend itself inside the thread of my skirt.

"The meeting will be starting soon, we need to get you cleaned up!" Melody replies, rather annoyed that I am covered in snow. "We must get you inside and have you changed so that you can look your best." A wet nose nudges the back of my leg, pushing out my knee. I quickly drop my eyes, watching Dutchess place herself right beside me. She looks up at me with her sad wolf eyes.

"A new change of clothes won't be necessary, Melody." I smile back at her, taking her hands in mine. She slowly nods, continuing to check me over. She is a perfectionist, I think that is why my mother always had her by her side. Making sure every detail was paid the proper amount of attention. I slowly pull my hands from hers, starting on the path back to the palace doors. "Come along, pups!" I call back, watching their heads snap in my direction. Their paws dig into the snow as they run toward me.

"They are getting bigger, princess." Melody and the other maiden move to walk along either side of me.

"Yes, they have grown a great deal," I respond, watching them as they race around us. Running along the path, kicking up snow as their paws leave the ground. Their bodies hurry up the steps to the back doors. Crowding around as they wait to be let back inside. "They are no longer just pups, they are the great wolf protectors," I speak softly as I keep my eyes ahead. Looking at the flag that waves in the wind. My family's crest is sewn into the azul fabric. The Great Wolf's blood runs through my veins as I am his last living vessel. His power runs through me as I live every day in fear. I keep close to Melody as we walk back into the confining walls of the Adhara Palace. The girls are quick to turn back to me, taking my coat off my shoulders. Brushing any remaining snow off my skirt. My wolves move around us as Melody pulls my gloves off my fingers. Their bodies shake aggressively as they shake any snow out of their fur. "Pups!" I giggle, bringing my hands up to my eyes, protecting my face.

"Cubs, enough! You are making a mess!" Melody mutters in a rather annoyed tone, handing my gloves off to the other maiden. My wolves are quick to stop, looking up at us as though they did nothing wrong.

"It's alright Melody, the snow will thaw." I lower my hands, looking at the snow that now covers the dark blue carpet that runs through our palace halls.

"Come, Princess." Melody clears her throat, heading down the long hallway. I feel my bones ice over as my smile fades. I take in a slow breath, feeling the cold surrounding me. I watched her begin to lead the way to the room where we were hosting our meeting. I lower my eyes down to my wolves, their eyes pointing at me as if waiting for me to lead the way. I let out my breath, seeing it form in front of me. My feet begin to move, making my breath disappear into the warmth of the palace.

The halls are quiet, just listening to the bottom of my heels as they hit the ground with each step. The thud echoes off the walls as I take the next step. "Are you nervous at all, princess?"

"I'm sorry?" I quickly glance over at Melody.

She smiles as she slows down a little, walking at my side. "You have no reason to be nervous, the Kraghon Princess was very kind when she arrived. A fair and beautiful princess."

"Yes, but we have let an enemy into our walls." I keep my head straight, trying to be sensible about this meeting. What does the Kingdom of Kraghon want? They have already pushed us into a corner. They have already begun to steal our lands, our people's husbands and sons.

"Katarina!?" My name is harsh as it slips from Melody's mouth. She is quick to stop, turning to face me. "We will never see an end to this war if we continue to treat each other as enemies. Your mother was searching for any and everything she could think of to stop this war before more blood stained our hands. Now her life and your father's lives were taken before that dream was realized. It is up to you and your brother." Melody speaks harshly, having a small rasp in her voice. I hope she is not falling ill. I can see the respect she has for the crown as she speaks.

"I'm sorry, Melody." I nod, taking her hands in mine. "We have been enemies long enough, but enemies we are until a goal is laid to which both sides agree to the terms," I speak quietly, trying to show her that I am confident in myself and my brother. "Do you know what she has called this meeting for?"

"You will know, Your Highness.." Melody slowly nods, having a kind smile. "When the time is right." She bows her head for a moment before continuing to walk again. What could I possibly give my people to save them from death? The Kraghon Kingdom is strong and their army is powerful. The home of the Divine Dragons has continued to push forward and devour our lands. Melody is correct, it is up to Sebastian and I to work with our enemies to stop this war. Whatever it may take... It is what our mother and father have always wanted. I take in another slow deep breath, looking down at my wolves. I am the Great Wolf Vessel... I can do this. "Coming, Your Highness?"

I quickly shake my head, realizing I have not moved from where we stopped. "Yes, of course." I nod, hurrying up to her side. We both remain silent as we continue to walk through the palace halls. I have to keep a level head... I have to do everything I can to save my people from disaster. We both slowly turn, stopping in front of two doors. I can do this... For my people. My hands begin to shake at my sides, forcing me to bind them into each other at my waistband. Stop shaking... You can't let them see you shake. Whatever it takes to protect my people and my kingdom... A breath catches my attention, and I turn my eyes over my right shoulder. I watch as a veg outline of the Great Wolf steps to stand by my side. He stands just as tall as me, his eyes level with mine. I straighten my shoulder, looking him in the eyes. I can feel his strength swirling inside me. His eyes hold mine for another moment before slowly bowing his head, at which he disappears in the air swirling around me. "Your Highness?" I quickly turn my eyes back toward Melody.

"Yes?" I bite my bottom lip, her eyes tell me that she didn't see him.

"Are you alright?" Her eyes turned from being happy to having this ounce of worry in them. What did she see?

"Yes, I am perfectly well?" I slowly turn my eyes back, no longer seeing him standing right beside me, but I can feel him. "I am perfect," I whisper, turning my eyes back towards the double doors in front of me.

"You will do great, madam." Melody bows, moving back down the hall to go back to her normal duties. 

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