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As I slowly regain consciousness, my surroundings swirled into focus, the dim light filtering through the windows casting shadows across the room. My head throbbed with pain, a dull ache pulsed with every beat of my heart.

With a groan I managed to pushed myself into a sitting position, the events of earlier crashing back into my mind. The confrontation with Xander, the overwhelming fear that had gripped me, desperate struggle for control---all of it seemed like a distant dream.

As I glanced around the room, my eyes fall on Xander's still form. The reality of our fight crushing back, the air around us cracked with tension, thick with the weight of unspoken words and emotions.

I turned my gaze towards him, his expression was unreadable as he lay there across from where I was placed.

For a moment we just started at each other, the silence stretching between us like an unbridgeable chasm.

As I struggled to rise my feet, a wave of dizziness washed over me, my vision swimming as if viewed through thick fog.

My hands spasmed uncontrollably, the pain radiating from my bones like a relentless ache. Every movement sent a jolt of agonizing pain throughout my whole body, reminding me of the betrayal that lingered between us.

"How are you alive?" I whispered, as I fought to keep my balance. "Why didn't you come back? To our people? Our nation.......? To me?"

He's expressing darkened with regret as he steps closer to me, a look of concern etched across his features. "Kel'enas, I am-"

I wasn't asking for his apology, that couldn't do nothing to me now, so I cut him off with a sharp gesture, my arm still throbbing with pain from the remnants of the fireball he throw at me. "Don't," I snapped, my voice tinged with bitterness.

"I don't need your apologies."

He recoiled as if struck, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and sadness. "Kel'enas, please, your my baby sister-" he pleaded, reaching out a hand in a futile attempt to help me, "Please let me-"

But I quickly backed away, I was never able to let others near me or even touch me. The spasm in my hand intensified as I summed a flickering flame to dance between my fingers. "Don't come near me." I warned him, my voice trembling with anger and frustration.

"I don't need your help. I've always taken care of myself for 8 years now."

I felt weak, just cresting the little ball of fire toke too much energy, I wouldn't stand straight properly, my hands are still spasming, but I also knew that I needed to go back to the others.....shit.

"How long was I out for?" "Two days." Serana would be worried. Not just her, Killian-oh Gods, Killian.

"Do you have a horse?" I asked my voice dry as I tried to speak, "Yes, it's out back."

"Good, I need to go-" "I'm not leaving you alone like this, I'll come with you." I shook my head, "I'm not taking a no for an answer, you're hurt, and you need someone to help you. Please, let me help you sister."

With a resigned nod, Xander stepped back as he watched me mount the horse with trampling hands. We rode in silence as he followed me.

Although I knew that he didn't know it was me at first, I still felt a sense of betrayal. I mourned his lose, but yet here he was in Sythra, thousands of miles away from our nation, our tribe, our people, from our home.

I needed him most, the one older sibling I was closest to the most, had returned but all I felt was a sense of unease and frustration.


As we arrived to the safe house, I halted Xander before he could follow me. "I'm not leaving you." With a sigh I managed to get off the horse.

"In case you haven't noticed m, you're Xander of House Thundar," I whispered my voice laced with urgency. "And Serana's dead boyfriend."

A look of pain and fear flashed before his eyes. I could see the weight of his past bearing him down.

"So put the damn thing back on." Without a second thought, he complied with my demand, pulling the mask back on, as I ensure that the horse won't be able to run away.

As we approached the safe house the sound of hurried footsteps echoed from within, and the door swung open, moments later Killian and Serana are at my side. Both their faces etched with worry and concern.

"Where have you been? We looked everywhere." Serana demanded, as she checked me out, once she had done it was Killian's turned.
He wasted no time in pulling me into a fierce kiss. "ow," I groan a little, he stops and notices the pain in my features.

And that's when all hell broke loose, as everyone's attention turned to the Revolutionist-Xander, I managed to hold up my hand to stop them from attacking him.

"Please stop, he's with.....with us now." I nodded towards encouraging him to take it off.

Xander removes the mask, revealing his true identity to everyone. Shock rippled through the group. I could see the emotions in Serana's face, as she struggles to process the revelation.

But Killian remained by my side, wrapping his arms around me, as we faced the unexpected together.

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