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In the heart of Elara's sanctuary, the vibrant colors of the tribe envelop me, and I walk through the enchanting gardens with General Serana. Taryn, Rinwick, and Stark accompany us, sharing stories and insights, creating an atmosphere of genuine curiosity.

Taryn's contagious enthusiasm sparks laughter as she asks about the traditions in Thundar. "Your people sound fascinating," she exclaims, her eyes alive with curiosity. "Tell me more about your tribe's customs."
"Umm...Serana?" "Oh no my Queen, this is all on you. But please do tell us more of our customs, to our dear Taryn of house Elara." Gods how I hate her sometimes.

As we stroll through the sunlit gardens, Rinwick engages in a conversation about the intricacies of elemental powers, while Stark adds thoughtful perspectives on unity and mutual understanding. The atmosphere resonates with the blossoming connection between the tribes.

Amidst shared laughter and cultural exchange, I find myself stepping away, feeling the need for a moment of solitude. Walking towards the horses, I sense Killian's eyes on me. "Miss me already, Mr.
Assassin?" I tease, and he smiles, approaching me.

As we stand near the horses, his warmth beside me feels comforting.  "Are you planning on running away?" He motions towards the horse.

I playfully respond, "Maybe, to spare myself from more questions about my tribe." We share a laugh, the camaraderie easing the weight of responsibility.

Feeling a different connection, I cast a private illusion around us. As we talk, Killian expresses anticipation for seeing me in battle.
With a raised eyebrow, I playfully slap his arm, quickly apologizing. "It's alright," he assures, and a smile lingers on my face.

Removing the illusion, we decide to walk back to the castle together. The prospect of practicing together strengthens our bond, creating a unique understanding between us in the heart of Elara's sanctuary.


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