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The morning sun emerged, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold as I made my way back to the castle. The lingering shadows of the night slowly retreated, giving way to the brightness of a new day.

As I approached the castle gates, a heaviness settled in the pit of my stomach. The events of the previous night echoed in my mind, a haunting refrain of regret and uncertainty. With each step, the weight of my actions pressed upon me, and I couldn't shake the fear of facing those I had unintentionally harmed.

Entering the castle, I navigated the familiar hallways, each step echoing with the soft tap of my shoes against the polished floor. The air seemed charged with unspoken tension, as if the castle itself held its breath, anticipating the repercussions of my unchecked powers.

As I neared the infirmary, a mix of anxiety and apprehension gripped me. The image of Killian, his body frozen by my blood-bending, flashed in my mind. I steeled myself away from it and up to my room.

As I stood before the mirror, the reflection staring back at me was a haunting reminder of the events that unfolded the night before. The guilt etched in my features, the weariness in my eyes – it all painted a portrait of a soul burdened by the consequences of its own power.

Deciding to wash away the remnants of the night, I turned on the water and let it cascade over me, a feeble attempt to cleanse not just my body but the lingering stain on my conscience. Emerging from the shower, I wrapped myself in the Elara tribe's attire, the fabric a stark contrast to the heaviness within.

Yet, as I looked at my reflection, a determination sparked within me. With a subtle use of my elemental power, I altered the colors of the garment, transforming it into a vibrant ensemble of red and gold – the sacred hues of my Thundar tribe. A silent affirmation of my identity and a subtle defiance against the expectations placed upon me.

A knock on the door disrupted my solitary contemplation. Opening it, I found General Serana standing in the doorway, her eyes scanning my altered appearance. Despite my attempts to shield myself, she saw through the façade.

You changed the colors," she remarked, her voice a mixture of observation and concern.

I hesitated before nodding. "I needed a reminder of who I am, I'm tired of everyone around her looking at as if I am a monster." I confessed, my gaze dropping to the floor.

General Serana stepped forward, embracing me in a hug that I resisted at first. "You're not a monster. Gods, I was worried about you," she admitted softly.

"You shouldn't have....I am able to look after myself, General." She smiles at me, "I know Kel."

In that moment, the weight on my shoulders eased, if only by a fraction. Despite the struggles and uncertainties, the bonds of friendship and understanding remained unbroken. The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but with allies like General Serana by my side, I faced the path with a renewed sense of resilience.

General Serana's words hung in the air, dispelling some of the tension that lingered within me. The reassurance that Killian was indeed alright, healed by the skilled hands of Elara's healers, resonated with a sense of relief.

Feeling the need for privacy, I cast an illusion over the room, making it soundproof. Turning to General Serana, I sought confirmation, my words veiled by skepticism, "He's really okay? This isn't some trick my mind is playing on me?"

She offered a warm smile, her eyes sincere. "He asked for you, genuinely concerned about how you were doing. You should go and see him. Talk to him."
The prospect of facing Killian after the events of the previous night left me with a swirl of emotions – uncertainty, shame, and a flicker of hope. 

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