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As our journey to Sythra continued, we faced our first challenge upon reaching the island. The boatman demanded exorbitant fees for passage, attempting to exploit our desperation. However, Stark's quick wit and sharp tongue swiftly put an end to his scheme, leaving us to board the vessel without further incident.

Stark stepped forward, his voice ringing with authority. "That is absurd. The gentle man ahead didn't pay the amount, so why should we?"

"Oh newcomers, I dunno what you're talking about." The boatman spoke with a true Sythran accent as he counted his money without even looking up at us all. "Oh I will show you-" Before Stark got in the face of the boatman, Lars stepped in, "What my dear friend here means, is that perhaps we can work something out? Instead of getting physical, what do you say?" The boatman takes one look at Lars and gasps,

"My Lord, I am truly sorry, please don't take my boat from me-I will pay double the taxes, oh I will let you go in for free even." "What is he talking about?" Stark asked with a frown on his face as he crosses his arms. "Please, I will pay the my commission to the Wolfkin upon our arrival." "It's your clothes....look" The four Wolfkin all around and saw how everyone was afraid to even look at them.

"That'll not be necessary, as long as you let us in." Lars replies, "Of course my Lord."

As we sailed towards Sythra, the weight of our mission pressed upon us, yet we remained united in purpose.

Once aboard, we faced another obstacle: blending in with the Sythran people. Their distinctive colors marked them as natives of the island, and we knew we must adopt their attire to avoid drawing attention. With stealth and determination, we managed to procure garments in shades reminiscent of the Sythran colors, allowing us to blend seamlessly into the crowd.

As we prepared for our arrival in Sythra, I sought assistance from General Serana in creating an illusion to conceal my identity. Drawing upon her expertise, she crafted a convincing façade, transforming my appearance to that of a Sythran woman I had once encountered. Though I retained my own hair, I concealed my scar and adopted the mannerisms of the woman whose face I now wore.

Emerging from my quarters, I joined the others as we regrouped on the deck. Their surprised expressions mirrored my own unease, and I felt a pang of annoyance at their scrutiny.

"Would you all please stop staring at me?" I questioned but my voice was firm. "You look.....different." Prince Remington remarked. "Aren't you the brilliant man" I added as I ran my hand through my face and it felt odd, the scar that should've been there under my original skin felt as if it wasn't there at all.

"Are you okay?" Stark asks eying me differently. "I'm perfectly fine, now if you all are done questioning me I think it's time we focus on the mission ahead of us."

"What is life like in Sythra?" General Serana redirected the questioning toward the Wolfkin.

"It's different, it as if there's no more happiness in those lands. The people-they're all just trying to survive Arnoux's power." Kieran states as he looked to the island that we're going to, which left us all quite, all in our thoughts

"As long as Arnoux alive, there will be no happiness." I finally added as they all turned to stare at me.

Kieran's brows furrowed in disbelief. "You really think that killing him will bring you peace? Perhaps your tribe?" he challenged, his voice tinged with frustration.

I met his gaze unflinchingly. "Killing him is the only way to stop his monstrous actions," I asserted firmly. "It's the only way to protect the three tribes from further harm. We're lost enough people as it is."

Kieran's expression darkened, his anger palpable. "Do you truly believe that our tribe is not also a victim in all of this?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word.

I biter laugh escaped me before I could control myself. "You? Your people victims? Oh cry me a fucking river Kieran, your tribe are far from the victim, I mean look around us, these people are afraid of your kind, just because you guys wanted power more than peace. Now you're victims? Please."

"So no." I replied without hesitation. "Your tribe started this war, and now it's time for it to end."

"You think that your tribe is so fucking mighty just because you're a descendent of your precious Gods? Where were you when the war started? Huh Queen of House Thundar? You hid, while everyone else fought in the war."

"You're right." I chuckled, "I hid, and I pay the price for the mistake till this day. For the loss of those I wasn't able to protect, and I'm not only talking about my family, I'm talking countless of bodies—both man and woman, and let's not forget the children.....Your people didn't just leave me with a permanent scar as I reminder, they took everything from me and my people, so I'm sorry if I want his head on a stick."

The tension between us escalated as Kieran advanced towards me, his fists clenched in fury. I stood my ground, refusing to back down from my convictions.

General Serana intervened, stepping between us with a stern expression. "That's enough," she admonished, her voice commanding respect. "We're on the same side here. Let's not forget that. Kel'enas take a walk. And you back the fuck away from her."

Kieran's eyes flashed with defiance as he ignored her warning, his anger boiling over. "Or what?" he challenged, his voice dripping with contempt.

I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I stepped forward to confront him. "Not only will you reject it, I'll show why I am able to master all four tribes magic." I warned, my voice edged with determination.

Standing tall, I met his gaze with unwavering defiance, ready to defend my beliefs no matter the cost.

General Serana pulled me away from the confrontation with Kieran, her grip firm but gentle as she led me aside. My anger still simmered beneath the surface, but her presence had a calming effect on me.

"Kel'enas, you need to see where he's coming from," she urged, her voice soft but firm.

I shook my head stubbornly. "We've suffered more," I insisted, my voice tinged with bitterness.

She nodded in understanding. "You're right, but we're all on the same side here," she reminded me gently. "Arnoux may have committed atrocities, but his people might not see it that way. We need to tread carefully."

Her words resonated with me, and I took a deep breath, trying to reign in my anger. "I know," I conceded, my voice strained with emotion.

General Serana placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her touch grounding me in reality. "We can't afford to lose control, especially in Sythra," she cautioned. "The Wolfkin will be everywhere, and we need to maintain our composure."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for her guidance. "I'll try," I promised, my voice barely above a whisper.

She pulled me into a tight embrace, offering silent support and understanding. In that moment, I felt a sense of reassurance wash over me, knowing that General Serana was by my side, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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