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As we made our way through the bustling streets of Sythra, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach. The sight of the Wolfkin, both in civilian clothes and army attire, mingling with the Sythra natives, painted a stark contrast against the backdrop of poverty and desperation.

I watched as Sythra inhabitants approached the Wolfkin, their faces worn and tired, their eyes pleading for assistance. Some were dressed in ragged clothing, while others huddled in makeshift shelters, their voices barely above a whisper as they begged for spare change.

My heart ached at the sight, knowing that these people were living in dire conditions under Arnoux's oppressive rule. As we walked, I couldn't help but wonder how many of them had lost loved ones to the war, how many had suffered at the hands of Arnoux's tyranny.

Finally reaching the safe house, I sighed with relief as we stepped inside, the familiar scent of wood and smoke washing over me. We gathered around a table, our faces serious as we discussed our plans for infiltrating the Sythra tribe and rallying support for our cause.

"We need to find allies within the Sythra tribe who are willing to work undercover and help us prepare for the upcoming battle," General Serana declared, her voice determined.

I nodded in agreement, my mind racing with thoughts of the impending conflict. "We'll also need to coordinate with our allies in the Wolfkin tribe and ensure that we have their support," I added, my tone resolute.

Stark nodded in agreement, his gaze focused and determined. "We also need to identify potential recruits for our covert operations. People who are skilled in stealth and combat, who can move through the city unnoticed and gather intelligence."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as we contemplated our next steps, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Outside, the sounds of the bustling city continued, a stark reminder of the world we were fighting to change.

As we discussed our plans late into the night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination wash over me. We were facing an uphill battle, but with the support of our allies and the strength of our resolve, I knew that we could overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

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