No Escape

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A few weeks after Shadow,Morgan and Andrew left Chicago by using a bus to go to San Francisco,they were presumed dead and Lisa was thinking of a plan as Luna walks in.

Luna:"Hey,dude. Whatcha thinkin' about?"

Lisa:"I'm figuring out a way to take in the young female Blaze unit. Street name:Julie."

Luna:"Why her?"

Lisa:"Because,elder rocker sibling,she may be a useful asset,as I want to dissect her brain."


Lisa goes to Damien's office and sees him sitting on his chair with his back turned.

Lisa:"Master Damien."

Damien:"The traitor and his family. Have you dealt with them?"

Lisa:"Yes I have. They have been crushed by a train."

Damien:"And I heard from Luna that you wanted to do something. What is it?"

Lisa:"I want us to take your daughter."

Damien:"Do what you want. She won't know what's in store for her other than something that'll hurt."

Lisa:"At once."

Lisa bows and leaves the office to find a way to kidnap Julie,as it cuts to Victor punching a heavy bag repeatedly. He seemed taller and his arms looked more defined.

Victor:"It's been a few weeks and he hasn't made a move. Why?"

Victor punches the bag three more times and wipes some sweat off his brow,as Sandra walks in with a glass of water.

Victor:"Oh. Hey,Mom."

Sandra:"Hi,son. Are you still thinking about... him?"

Victor:"Yeah. He's gone quiet,and I don't know what his next move is. Even Leni told me that there's no more bases for her to track down. She says that her trail keeps going dry,or she keeps getting locked out of the system. I don't know what to do anymore,Mom."

Sandra:"I'm sorry. Maybe you should just... let it go."

Victor:"Let it go? After everything he did to us all these years? No way. He's caused enough pain and suffering. As soon as he comes out,I'm gonna put a bullet in his heart for every person he hurt. Every soldier he betrayed. Every person he abused physically,mentally and emotionally."

Sandra:"I don't think you have enough bullets to do that."

Victor:"One bullet in the brain will do then."

Sandra:"Anyway,I made you some water."

Sandra gives Victor the glass of water and he drinks it slowly.

Victor:"Thanks,Mom. This is some good water."

Sandra:"No problem. Also,I've heard from Leni that you've been getting less sleep than usual."

Victor:"Yeah. There's just no telling when he's gonna attack us."

Sandra kisses Victor on the forehead.

Sandra:"Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay."

Victor:"Okay,Mom. I trust you."

Sandra:"I know you do. Enjoy your training."

Victor:"I will."

Sandra leaves and Victor continues training as it cuts to Julie and Ana holding hands.

Julie:"Your hands feel so soft!"

Ana:"Yours too!"

Julie:"So,what do you wanna do,Ana?"

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