Training:Part 1

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Andrew wakes up and sees his calendar.

Andrew:"Oh,right. Today I have to train with Mom and Dad. Hopefully they don't go too hard on me."

Andrew meets Shadow,who was organizing a bag.

Andrew:"Hey,Dad! I'm ready for training!"

Shadow:"That's good to hear,Andrew."

Andrew:"Where's Mom?"

Shadow:"She's on her way."

Morgan walks towards the two,wearing a black tank top,blue jeans,and black combat boots.

Morgan:"Hey,babe. You ready?"

Shadow:"Sure am. You got everything?"

Morgan:"Mosquito repellent,check. Guns,check. Change of clothes,check. A half eaten chocolate bar with some chips,check."

Shadow:"How about you,son? Got everything you need?"

Andrew:"Yeah. I got some guns,some food,and you two. My loving and caring parents."

Morgan hugs Andrew,pressing his head against her boobs.

Morgan:"That's the spirit,kiddo. We better go."


Shadow grabs his bag and straps it on,and Morgan and Andrew do the same.

Shadow:"Come on."

Shadow,Morgan and Andrew enter a Chevy S-10.

Shadow enters the driver's seat,Morgan enters the back seat,and Andrew goes to the passenger's seat and takes a look at the mirror with a smile on his face

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Shadow enters the driver's seat,Morgan enters the back seat,and Andrew goes to the passenger's seat and takes a look at the mirror with a smile on his face.

As soon as he touches the rear view mirror on his right,he was met with Shadow's deadpanned expression.

Shadow:"This your first time in a car?"

Andrew:"It looks like a fucking spaceship!"

(A.N:"Originally,Andrew was supposed to be 12,but I decided to make him 13 and a half.")

Morgan:"Fuck,is right."

Shadow turns the key and starts the engine,as his communication device goes off.

Shadow:"I'm here."

Damien:"Just a reminder:you,your son and girlfriend will only be there for a week,and that's it. A week is more than enough time for your training."

Shadow:"Understood. We'll be back in a week."

Damien:"Good. Don't disappoint. Not like the others did. They're just lucky that I haven't lost my patience."

Shadow:"We never disappoint. We always get the job done."

Damien:"Good. Damien out."

The device turns off and Shadow starts driving.

Morgan:"So,where is this place again?"

Shadow:"It's pretty far. But not as far as you think."

Two hours later,Shadow is still driving,as his eyes are red,meaning that he's very tired. Morgan is also asleep,as her head is gently resting on the seat.

Shadow:(in mind)"I spoke too soon,didn't I? Jesus fucking Christ."

Shadow stops the truck by the side of the road and steps out to stretch a bit. He looks back at Morgan,who had a can of Red Bull in her bag.

Shadow:(in mind)"I'm sorry for doing this Morgan,but I need an energy boost. This thing is further away than I thought it would be!"

Shadow takes the can of Red Bull,opens it up and takes a sip.

Shadow:"There. That should keep me up for a few more hours."

Shadow jumps back in the car and continues driving to the location.


Shadow:"Hey,what happened to sleeping?"

Andrew:"I,uh,found some comic book,and it had the worst part. Cliffhangers."

Shadow:"Where'd you get that?"

Andrew:"I got it before we left. I mean,all that stuff was just lying there."

Shadow:(sighs)"What else did you get?"

Andrew pulls out an adult magazine meant for women.

Andrew:"Well,I think you or Mom will be missing this tonight."

Shadow:"Andrew,that's not for kids. Get rid of it."

Andrew:"Hold on,hold on,I just wanna see what all the fuss is about."

Andrew goes over to a certain page and smiles.

Andrew:"Woah! How the hell is she even able to walk around with those things?"

Shadow:"Andrew,come on."

Andrew:"Why are some of these pages stuck together?"


Andrew:"I'm just kidding,Dad."

Andrew throws the magazine out the window.

Shadow:"So... why don't you try catching up on some sleep,okay?"

Andrew:"Heh,I'm not even tired."

Thirty minutes later,Andrew falls asleep,and Shadow suddenly stops in the middle of the road,and this makes Morgan and Andrew wake up.


Andrew and Morgan see a man in front of them.


Shadow:"Morgan,you ready?"

Morgan pulls out an M4 rifle and Shadow starts revving the truck.

Andrew:"Aren't we gonna help him?"

Shadow:"Put your seatbelt on,Andrew."

Man:"Help me!"

Andrew:"What about that guy?"

Shadow:"Oh,he ain't even hurt."

Shadow starts driving and the man pulls out a gun.

Man:"Oh,fuck! Go,go!"

The man starts shooting at the truck and Morgan peeks out of the window to start shooting back,as more armed men come out of nowhere and start ambushing the three of them.

Andrew:"Oh,not good!"

A bus crashes into the back of the truck,and Shadow does his best to keep it steady.


Shadow:"Hold on!"

The truck crashes into a garage and everything fades to black.

(A.N:"The 'He ain't even hurt' scene was based on this. Tell me what you think.")

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