The Invasion Begins

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Two days later,Lori returns with her right arm in a cast,ever since her fight with Carol. She approaches Rita.

Lori:"Mom? What's happening?"

Rita:"Luna told us that we're going to invade Lincoln's school. Today."

Lori:"Today? Why wasn't I told?"

Rita:"Well,if you were here,you would've known about it. Get ready. We're leaving in 30 minutes."


Lori rolls her eyes and walks off. Then,it cuts back to New York,where Victor was walking with Nikki and Gwen.

Victor:"So,why are we doing this again?"

Gwen:"We're just walking and talking,you know?"

Nikki:"Yeah,lighten up,Victor. Nothing bad is gonna happen."

Victor:"Maybe you two are right. Maybe I am taking this hunting thing a little too far."

Gwen:"It's not that we think you're bad. We care about you."

Victor:"I understand."

It cuts to Royal Woods Elementary School,where several ships were landing.

Then,a large fleet of soldiers aim their weapons at the students. Lincoln and his friends run to the cafeteria and hide underneath a table.

Stella:"What's going on?!"

Rusty:"I don't know!"

Clyde:"Why are there soldiers outside?!"

Zach:"Do you know anything about this,Lincoln?"

Lincoln:"I think we're under attack. We should get out of here and find Victor."

Ronnie Anne:"Good call. Anyone got weapons?"

Lincoln pulls out a switchblade.

Lincoln pulls out a switchblade

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Clyde:"Where'd you get that?!"

Lincoln:"Victor gave it to me. He said I should only use it whenever things get tough."

Stella:"I think now's the best time to use it,Lincoln."

Lincoln:"I guess you have a point."

Liam:"But how do we get out of here? There's soldiers everywhere. They have guns,and we only have a switchblade."

Lincoln:"I think we take one out,and take one of their guns."

Rusty:"Do you even know how to use that thing?"

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