Brothers vs Son and Father

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In New York,Victor and Lincoln are standing on a rooftop and spot some soldiers on another rooftop opposite them.

Lincoln:"Is that what I think it is?"

Victor:"Looks like it. Let's go."


Victor:"Leni,we found the third base. Looks like a pretty straightforward type of base."

Leni:"Okay. It looks like there's a pretty impressive amount of soldiers in there. But,the smart thing to do is to do it quietly."

Victor:"Alright. Come on,Lincoln."

Lincoln nods his head and follows Victor into a sneaky way inside the base. Then,they see a few monitors inside a room.

Lincoln:"What's on here?"

Victor:"Let's find out."

Victor types in a few things and it shows the locations of the hidden bases.

Victor:"This shows the locations of all the other hidden bases like this one."

Lincoln:"Looks like we've got the upper hand this time."

Victor:"Well,we should take this info for ourselves. You still got that USB?"


Lincoln gives Victor a USB and he plugs it into the monitor,to extract the locations of the hidden bases.

Victor:"Now,we take down all the guards inside the base and get out of here."


Victor and Lincoln take down two guards by using teamwork. Then,they approach one of the brutes that Julie fought in the sewers.

Lincoln:"Woah. Who's the big guy?"

Victor:"No idea,but I think we can take him down together if we team up."

Lincoln:"Yeah. That axe is no joke."

The brute swings his axe towards Victor's head,but he ducks and Lincoln hits the brute with a Russian leg sweep that knocks him flat on his back. Then,Victor hits him with an elbow drop.


Victor:"Nice Russian leg sweep,little bro."

Lincoln:"Yeah,thanks. Let's go get that USB."

Victor and Lincoln go back to the monitors,but suddenly,a window above them cracks,as two people start shooting at them.

The first hooded person lands on Victor and pins his head down hard. Then,the second hooded person hits Lincoln with a Superman punch and aims his pistol at the back of his head while he was on his knees,trying to recover from the punch he just took.

?:"Nice one,son."


Lincoln:"W-Who... are... you...?"

The two people take off their hoods and they were Shadow and Andrew.

Shadow:"I'm Shadow,and this is my 13 and a half year old son,Andrew."

Lincoln:"Wait,don't you seem a little too young to have kids?"

Shadow:"Age doesn't matter."


Victor looks over his shoulder and sees Shadow,as some blood leaks down his nose.

Victor:"What the hell do you want from us?"

Shadow:"You're not getting that USB. You've done enough damage."

Andrew:"Yeah. We'll take over Royal Woods and New York. You two are no match for us as you are now."

The Loud House:No Such BlazeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon