Love Like You

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Lynn wakes up on her bed in the Loud House,having a leg brace,since her ankle was shattered by Lincoln.

Lynn:"Damn that brat!"

Lori walks into the room.

Lori:"You tired of Lincoln as well?"

Lynn:"Yeah. I wanna make him pay for shattering my ankle!"

Lori:"He shattered your ankle?!"

Lynn:"Hell yeah,he did!"

Lori:"Well,he made me break up with Bobby,and now he's dating that slut,Carol!"

Lynn:"Who cares about that right now? We need to have our revenge."

Lori:"You wanna hear Damien's plan? Then come down the fucking stairs."


Lori:"A man who also wants revenge on people who always defied him."

Lori hands Lynn some crutches and they both leave the room to go down the stairs. They meet everyone else.

Damien:"So,I'm assuming that everyone is here?"


Damien:"Good. Now,we're going to take our revenge on those brats and my wife."

Luna:"And how are we supposed to do that?"

Damien:"We take control. Make them fear us. Squeeze them until they cry and beg for mercy. Lisa."


Damien:"You will use your intelligence to make weapons and an army."

Lisa:"Master Damien,perhaps a base will suit our needs?"

Lisa pulls out a tablet to show Damien a jungle base that's far away and this causes him to smile evily.

Damien:"Light the fires. We leave tomorrow at 4 AM sharp. There's a plane at New York City Airport. Don't be late,or I'll leave you behind to suffer with the rest of them. Understand?"

The Louds nod their heads.


It cuts to the Blaze mansion,where Victor wakes up after having sex with Nikki,as she was still asleep. He looks at his nightstand and sees a police dispatch radio. He turns it on and puts it at a low volume so that Nikki wouldn't wake up.

Victor:"Where are you?"

Victor listens closely,but there was no reports of Damien doing any criminal activities in New York or anyone else. With that,he turns off the dispatch radio with a frustrated look on his face.

Victor:"Of course he's not doing anything right now. There has to be a way."

Lucy:"A way to what?"

Victor turns around and sees Lucy with her hands behind her back.

Victor:"A way to be a better brother."

Lucy:"Is this about Julie?"

Victor:"Yeah. She's in the hospital because I wasn't there to save her. She's fighting for her life because of me."

Lucy suddenly hugs Victor.

Victor:"Why'd you do that?"

Lucy:"Because I care about you,brother."

The word "brother" echos into Victor's head,as it was Julie's voice saying it instead of Lucy's.

Victor:"I know you do. And... I'm great greatful for that."

The Loud House:No Such BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now