Lincoln's First Time

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Just then,Shadow wakes up and gasps in shock.

Shadow:"What happened?"


Andrew hugs Shadow tightly.

Shadow:"It's okay,Andrew. I'm here now."

Morgan:"You took a knife full of poison to the stomach. How the fuck are you still breathing?"

Shadow:"No idea,Morgan."

Morgan:"I'm glad you're alive."

Just then,some soldiers drop from the glass roof onto the ground.

Shadow:"Morgan,get Andrew out of here. I got this."

Morgan:"Just... don't get stabbed again this time."

Shadow:(laughs)"You worry about yourself,baby."

Morgan laughs and grabs Andrew,as they start running away.

Andrew:"You sure he's gonna be okay?"

Morgan:"Yeah. If he took a poisonous stab wound to the stomach,then he can definitely get past this."


Back with Shadow,he starts taking down the soldiers with ease.

Shadow:"Oh,this feels GOOD!"

Soldier:"How is he still breathing after taking some poison to the stomach?!"

Shadow kicks a solider in the face and punches him three times,launching him into a wall.

Shadow:"Guess your boss needs better aim!"

Shadow punches another soldier in the face and kicks him in the stomach,making him fly through a window,that made him land right next to Rita.

Rita:"What the hell?"

Rita sees that Shadow is alive and kicking.

Rita:"He's alive?!"

Nikki:"Yeah he is,you annoying bitch!"

Stacy:"Time for you to get your just desserts!"


Lana:"At least I don't have a big butt!"

Gwen:"Great. Now there's two of them!"

Nikki:"Want me to help you shut her up?"


Nikki and Gwen hit Lana with a double superkick,and then slap her in the face on either cheek. And then,they punch her in the face,making her cap fall off,as she lands in a mud pit.

At that moment,Lana's eyes start sparkling,as she was sitting in the one thing she loves most.


Lana starts rolling around in the mud and puts some on her face. This of course,makes Nikki,Gwen and Stacy look away in disgust.

Stacy:"What a weird kid."

Rita:"Hey! She's not-"

Gwen and Nikki:"Oh,shut the fuck up!"

Nikki and Gwen kick Rita in the face,knocking her out.

Nikki:"That's enough out of you,annoying ass bitch! Even Gwen's ass is bigger than yours!"

It cuts to Shadow standing tall over the soldiers who were knocked out and gasping for air. Then,he calls Morgan.

Shadow:"Morgan,I'm on my way."


Shadow finds a 2020 red and black Suzuki bike.

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