Victor vs Shadow

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Victor lays out the map on a table.

Victor:"Alright. So,Lincoln and Julie are trapped in a base in Manhattan."

Leni:"What we need,is a plan."

Victor:"Yeah. Jason,you,Nikki,Gwen and I will sneak in the base and take back Lincoln."

Lucy:"What about Julie?"

Victor:"Ronnie Anne,Sam,Sarah,Ana,Stacy,and Winter will go after Julie."

The said six girls each share a fist bump.

Victor:"We also need to be careful. There's no telling who or what's in there."

Sandra:"I'll stay and look after Lucy,Lily and Jack."

Leni:"Me too."


Victor and Sandra share a caring hug.

Sandra:"I'm so proud of you."

Victor:"Thanks,Mom. We'll save Julie and Lincoln and put an end to all this."

Sandra:"I know you will."

Victor holds his fist out over the center of the map.


Everyone bumps fists with Victor.


Everyone stocks up on weapons and exit the mansion. Then,it cuts to the base,where Lincoln was tied to a chair.

Lincoln:"What happened? I just remember trying to escape from that lady."

Lori walks in,with an angry look on her face.


Lori:"Yeah,twerp. It's me."

Lincoln:"What do you want?"

Lori:"I want you to suffer. You're going to regret taking Bobby away from me."

Lincoln:"You brought that on yourself!"

Lori:"Shut up,you piece of shit! You're gonna wish you never joined that fucking family!"

Lincoln:"I have some new siblings now. Who are better than you ever were!"

Lori:"Oh,really?! Break out of those ropes and kick my ass! I fucking dare you!"

Lincoln simply does nothing and gives Lori a smile.

Lincoln:"How about no?"

Lori growls and slaps Lincoln in the cheek hard,as there was a bright red handprint.

Lori:"You're going to regret ever being born,you piece of shit."

Lincoln:"Hey,Lori. Do me a favor. Go jump under a damn train."

Lori rolls her eyes and leaves,as it cuts to Ronnie Anne opening a vent.

Sam:"Where does this go again?"

Ronnie Anne:"Victor said that this should lead to Julie's cell."

Ana:"Well,let's bust in there."

Ana and Winter help Ronnie Anne rip off the vent cover.

Stacy:"Good work. Come on. I'll go through first."

Stacy starts crawling through the vent and the other girls follow. As they were proceeding,Sam was watching Stacy's ass,as it was jiggling back and forth.

Stacy:"Sam,stop looking at my ass."

Sam:"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

Stacy:"That's okay."

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