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Victor wakes up from his bed the next morning and rubs his eyes for a bit.

Victor:"Okay. Moving on."

Victor stretches and kneels down to open his red box which contained the necklace that Julie gave to him,a picture of himself and her when they were younger and his red Desert Eagle.

Victor:"We will finish this. We have to."

Just then,Julie enters the room with a terrified look on her face.


Victor:"Hey,baby girl. What's wrong?"

Julie:"I... I had a nightmare."

Victor:"What was it about?"

Julie:"Daddy killed you and Mom. I couldn't do anything. I was so scared."

Victor:"Come here,baby girl."

Julie hugs Victor tightly and she cries for a bit. This makes him frown and look at his Desert Eagle.

Victor:(in mind)"I can't let him win. The only way for him to stop is if he's dead. But... what would my family and friends think of me? Would they still care about me? Would Nikki and Gwen break up with me if they saw my actions? Would Julie separate herself from me? Would Lincoln look away from me every time I tried to talk to him?"

Julie:"Brother? Is something wrong? You look mad."

Victor:(lies)"I-It's nothing. You don't have to worry,baby girl. I'm okay."

Julie:"Just let us know if something's wrong,okay?"

Victor:"I will,Julie. You have my word."

Julie lies down on Victor's bed and closes her eyes as her older brother walks up to her and rubs her forehead gently and smiles.

Victor:"I'll keep you safe. Along with Lincoln,Leni,Lily and Lucy,with every fiber of my being."

Victor puts on some black jeans,a white Nike T-shirt,black and white Nike Air Jordans and he puts on his necklace.

Victor:"There we go."

Victor leaves his room and closes the door to go downstairs to meet Gwen.

Victor:"Hey,Gwen. How are you?"

Gwen:"I'm fine. How about you? You look terrible. I don't mean your clothes,babe. I mean that your eyes are red,you seem very stressed,and you look like you're gonna snap at any second."

We see that Victor does look very stressed and his eyes are red,meaning that he barely had any sleep.

Victor:"I'm awesome."

Gwen:(sighs)"You wanna eat or something?"

Victor:"Yeah. Fuck it. I'm a little hungry anyways."

Gwen:"Guess I'll go help your Mom in the kitchen,then."

Gwen walks into the kitchen and Victor watches as her ass sways left and right with every step as this makes him hard.

Victor:"Damn,Gwen... I honestly wanna smack her. But,not now."

In Chicago,someone opens a window and aims their sniper rifle around for a bit,until they put their sniper rifle away and close the window. They revealed to be Morgan,who now had her hair tied up into a ponytail again.

Shadow:"You see anyone,Morgan?"

Morgan:"No. It's quiet. Too quiet."

Andrew:"It's only been a few days,and I'm starting to get tired of this shit."

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