[forty seven]

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when the two had eventually made their way back to the motel room where Conrad and Belly were, it was obvious that they had walked in on a conversation that was not going too well.

"breakfast?" Jeremiah asked, holding up the plastic bag that had the food in it.

"no, I was just about to... head out, actually," conrad said, scratching the back of his neck, "from desk said there's a bus at 8:30. im gonna go back to cousins."

Katie shook her head, looking at everyone in the room, "what the fuck do you mean, you're going back to cousins?"

Jeremiah furrowed his eyebrows, giving his brother a look. He knew that him and Belly either just had an argument, or something else was bothering him that wasn't before.

"A-Are you sure? 'cause, you know, I have to go back and swap cars anyway..."

Katie looked over to belly, trying to figure out what was wrong. Belly had a similar look on her face as Conrad did, but she obviously wasn't able to say she was gonna take a bus back to cousins... this whole second half of the trip was for her.

"you can just take my car, I'll get your car back to Boston, its not biggie," conrad said, pausing for a moment, "see you guys the Fourth of July?"

there was a moment of silence between the teens, everybody just looking at each other. finally, everyone agreed, they would meet again on the Fourth of July.

"it would be a sin to miss Susannahs favorite holiday," Katie said in a soft tone, giving conrad a small smile.

"make sure they get back safe, okay?" Conrad said to Jeremiah, walking past him and out of the door.

Katie waited a moment after Conrad walked out of the door, then turned to Jeremiah and Belly, "I'll be right back." she said, giving them a warning look, "Don't follow me."

the two nodded, packing up whatever was left in the room while Katie left.

the blonde walked around the corner of where the room was located, spotting conrad squatted down against the wall taking deep breaths. she was careful to approach him, sitting down next to him.

"you know, for the amount of times you've saved my ass, I think its time I start to return the favor." Katie smirked, "now why the hell are you running off?"

conrad sighed as he shook his head, looking out the the street every few seconds waiting for the bus to show up. "things are just weird right now with me and Belly."

"so your running?" Katie asked, "I didn't know your name was Katelyn White."

the boy smirked, shaking his head again as he let out a small laugh, "I am pulling a Katie, aren't I?" he admitted, "but I just need the time between now and the fourth to just cool off."

Katie nodded, understanding what he meant. "well, I get that. you have been non stop this whole.. what was this, a week?" she said, recalling the entire house drama and the hours upon hours he spent studying for his test, "maybe the distance from everyone this week is all you need."

the two stood up, seeing the bus was approaching the motel.

"don't be a stranger, connie," Katie warned, "you need something or someone to talk to, you know who to call."

Conrad nodded, giving Katie a hug. "yeah, if you're not sleeping." he teased, "get home safe, blondie. I'll see you the fourth."

Katie nodded, "later loser."


the car ride back to the Conklin's wasn't as eventful as you'd expect it to be. there wasn't a conversation that lasted longer than two minutes, and the mood was low as everyone overcame their tiredness.

Ghost Of You- Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now