[twenty four]

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the following morning, Katie was woken up by belly and Jeremiah shaking her. She was initially startled, but more confused as her mind wasn't fully awake yet. "I haven't slept in days, Shh."

Belly sighed, pulling the blankets off of Katie. "Aunt Julia is he-"

"In this fucking house?" Katie sat up, rubbing her eyes, "that bitch is-"

"I told you bringing her would be a good idea." Belly smirked towards Jeremiah, "she's staying at a hotel. We are going to her to try and talk her out of selling the house."

"So why the fuck did you just wake me up?"

Belly's smirk remained on her face. "Because we need the big guns." She said.

Katie shook her head, laying back down, "so, Jere has muscles and it looks like the two of you are going. You'll be fine."

Jeremiah shook his head. "Let's face it, Katie, there's nobody in this house who would willingly tell someone off that isn't you." He said, although Conrad was more than capable of doing that too, "and a fight won't break out, but an argument might and I'm gonna need some backup."

Katie groaned, sitting back up and moving to the edge of the bed. "Give me five minutes." She grumbled, "but if I'm a bitch today, it's all on you two."

"That's just the attitude we need from you." Jeremiah spoke with a small smirk, although he knew that they'd regret waking her later on. "We can stop at seven eleven on the way home."

Katie nodded, shooing the two out of her room so that she could get changed.

Within the next ten minutes, Katie was running out of the house with only one shoe on, hoping that they didn't leave without her.

"I thought we agreed on five minutes?" Jeremiah complained, watching Katie get into the back seat.

"Im still half asleep, dipshit." She complained, laying across the seats, "wake me up when we get there, and try not to slam the breaks."

Jeremiah simply nodded, already regretting the decision to wake her up. "Yes, ma'am."


"Katie," Jeremiah said as he put the car in park, "Katie come on, we're here."

The boy had no interest in trying to wake up the blonde, but belly told him that it was his turn since she did it this morning.

Katie slowly sat up, looking between the two teens in the front. "What's the  game plan?" She asked, "we need a plan, or else this is a waste of my sleeping hours."

"Jeremiah is going to charm Julia, hence the flowers." Belly pointed to the hydrangeas that sat on her lap, "and if that doesn't work, you swoop in for the kill."

Katie nodded. "So why are you here then?"

Belly raised an eyebrow. "Well I don't know if you two could handle a car ride without killing each other, or if I can handle a moody Conrad."

The blonde groaned, looking in the rear view mirror to fix her hair. "Ok, let's get this shit over with."

The three teens piled out of the red jeep, walking to the second floor of the motel. However Conrad had found out Julia was in town, he also found out her room number.

"I'm letting you two know right now, if she even looks at me funny it's over." Katie warned both Jeremiah and Belly.

Belly shook her head. "No, no." She pleaded, "we need every shot we can get to win her over."

"Katie, please just let me do the talking, ok?" Jeremiah asked, knowing Katie's snappy personality would make Aunt Julia feel like she was doing the right thing.

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