[thirty nine]

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Katie's time cleaning up didn't last long. She cleared up whatever was in the living room, ending up on the half empty blow up couch after fifteen minutes.

"Katie, get up." Steven whispered, nudging the girl a little bit.

The girl didn't realize that she had fallen asleep after her short time cleaning.

She groaned in annoyance.

"Julia is here." Steven added.

Katie slowly opened her eyes, seeing the others were all around the general area. "She's a fucking bitch." She mumbled.

"She's getting Laurel'd right now if that makes you feel any better."

"It actually does." Katie sighed, sitting up. She had moved faster than her body could handle, her head beginning to spin, "advil. I need more advil."

Conrad shook his head, "it's hardly been two hours since you first took some." He pointed out, "it's supposed to be six hours before you can take again, and your already drugged up enough."

Katie let out a groan, feeling a rise in her stomach. As she realized what was about to happen, the girl stood up and ran to the nearest bathroom.

Whatever Katie had consumed within the past twenty four hours was being thrown up into the toilet.

She sat on her knees hunched over the toilet bowl, on hand holding her hair back while the other kept her semi stable.

After a few seconds, she felt someone else grab her hair to hold it back, giving her the chance to use both hands to hold herself up.

"What are we gonna do with you, Katie girl?" Jeremiah sighed, flinching in the slightest bit at the sound of the girl throwing up. He was able to only use one hand when holding back her hair, which resulted in the other being used to rub her back, "well, I'm sure you just threw up whatever advil you took this morning... so maybe you can take more?"

Katie shook her head, stumbling back and sitting against the outside of the bathtub. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tucked her knees to her chest and put her head down.

Jeremiah didn't say anything, sitting on the edge of the tub beside her. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Why the hell did I take a drink that Mike made?" She asked, "I mean, I'm an idiot! Why didn't I realize-"

"Relax." Jeremiah said, "really, you don't need to tear yourself apart. It was a stupid mistake, not the end of the world."

"It almost ended my time on the world." Katie pointed out, "I drowned, Jeremiah. I would've been dead if you didn't get me out of that water and Conrad didn't know how to do CPR. All because I was too drunk to realize that he put something in my drink, which I still don't know what it was."

Jeremiah sat quietly for a moment. "Rohypnol." He spoke quietly.

Katie furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"Conrad beat it out of him." Jeremiah said, watching as Katie lifted her head and leaned it against his leg, "he told me last night, we were gonna wait to tell you but-"

"What-what is Rohypnol? Am I going to die?" Katie asked, "because I'm too young. I've got a whole life ahead-"

Jeremiah had listened to Katie ramble on. He found it ironic that she was so against the idea of dying, whereas a year ago she would've leapt at the first chance she got.

He was happy though, just because he knew she didn't want to leave this life.

"You ever see in like movies during a bar scene when someone slips something into a woman's drink and waits a minute, then brings her back to their house or apartment to-"

Ghost Of You- Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now