[thirty three]

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There were plus sides and down sides to being an only child in the eyes of sixteen year old Katelyn White. The plus side was being the center of attention in the house, the down side being that there was never a stable relationship between her parents.

Since she was a kid, Katie knew her parents weren't meant for each other. Every night, Katie would hear an argument between them, then a slamming door.

Sometimes it would get bad, but only a couple of times within the last couple of months katie has heard objects being thrown.

But tonight, it was unbearable. For the past hour, Katie has heard nothing but screaming and shouting from her parents. It started with Christine making a comment on how Gregg had been treating Katie. He wasn't as bad as he is now, but he used to go days without paying her any attention.

Of course, hot headed Gregg had something to say back. But Christine always stood her ground, never letting anyone walk all over her. It was safe to say that Katie was in fact her mothers daughter.

Katie carefully walked out of her bedroom, inhaling a sharp breath as she heard the argument become louder. Right now, she was about to ask the risky question: can I go out?

The blonde stood near her parents, ready to go out to her friends house. It was dark out, around 8:00 on a Friday night.

"What, Katie?" Her father asked, spotting his daughter and immediately noticing that she looked ready to go somewhere.

"Im gonna go out." Katie said, "mom, can you drive me?"

She would've asked her father to drive, but he had obviously been drinking.

"Katie girl, it's late already." Christine said, pointing to the clock that hung on the wall, "you know I don't like to drive at night. Plus, there's snow everywhere. It's dangerous."

Katie groaned, crossing her arms over her chest as she grew annoyed. "But mom!" She complained, "everyone's going out tonight! It's not far!"


"You guys are the worst!" Katie shouted, "I spend every night here listening to you two argue! Can't I get out just once?"

Christine sighed, looking at her daughter. "Why didn't you just ask us sooner?" She asked, feeling the stress in her body rising, "how long has this plan been set?"

Katie shrugged, checking the time on her phone in a dramatic manner. "About an hour ago." She said, "I was waiting till you two shut up in here to say something, but now I'm gonna be late so can you please just fucking drive me?!"

Christine sighed, hesitating as she picked up the keys to her car, "where am I bringing you?" She asked calmly.

"Camryns house." Katie said in a calmer tone, "thank you."

The two females left the house without another word, driving to Camryns house a few blocks away.

The drive was awkwardly silent as the two were still cooling off from earlier.

"i didn't know you listened to us argue every time." Christine said, "I didn't want you to hear that."

Katie scoffed, "it's impossible not to." She pointed out, "I bet you that the whole neighborhood hears it."

Christine didn't say anything. Usually, she was always happy and looked on the bright side, but there was no bright side of this relationship that her and Gregg shared.

"Just divorce him." Katie blurted out, "I know you don't love each other. Your probably only together because of me."

Katie had thought about her parents getting a divorce before. She knew that it was bound to happen some day, so she wanted to be prepared.

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