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after the call with Katie and Jeremiah ended, Conrad put his phone down and looked over to the door of is dorm room. he knew that Dan couldn't have gotten far, he was a slow walker and runner. so Conrad stood up and walked out of the dorm, going off to find Dan.

he spotted the familiar roommate at the campus cafeteria, where no one ever was. the school food was bad, but it was free for students.

"dude." Conrad said, sitting across from Dan and glaring at him. "why'd you leave?"

Dan laughed. "Conrad, my man, that call was getting weird man." he said, "that chick hates my brother for like no reason."

Conrad stared at him. "well that chick has a name, and she never hates someone without a reason." he spoke through gritted teeth. "your brother ruined her summer. you know that?"

Dan stood up, leaning on the table in an attempt to threaten Conrad. to Conrads disadvantage, Dan was a big gym buff, so he was built. Conrad had muscle too, but not compared to Dan.

"keep my brothers name out of your mouth, Fisher." Dan threatened.

Conrad stood up, positioning himself exactly how Dan was. "I didn't say his name dipshit." he smirked, "im just calling him an asshole."

Dan scoffed and threw a punch at Conrad. the boy took it, but didn't move a muscle. he was surprised how weak of a punch dan had. "my brother did nothing to that chick. you just want to pick a fight." Dan said, "you were always picking fights during the summer, you are just that type of guy."

"her name is Katie and you apparently don't know your brother as well as you think you do." Conrad said, catching the second fist that Dan threw at him. "-and I don't pick fights. you threw the first punch, Peters."

Dan growled angrily at Conrad. "then tell me! tell me what my 'asshole' of a brother did to your precious little side piece?"

Conrad wanted to kill him right then and there. he didn't like the way he spoke about Katie, or how stupid he was being. how could a kid like Dan get into a D1 college with the knowledge he lacks?

"your brother-" Conrad began, the words hurt as they left his mouth, so he lowered his voice, "he tried to fuck her when she was wasted at the bonfire. if jere and I hadn't gotten there at the time we did, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

Dan scoffed, "you want me to believe my brother would do that?"

"truth hurts." Conrad said, standing up straight. he looked stronger when he stood up straight, something Katie and belly used to tease him for whenever they played team games. "you might not know your brother as well as you think you do."

"dude, I don't want to do this. you are my roommate." Dan said, standing straight as well, hist fists held tightly to his sides. "but if you say one more goddamn word about my brother, there's no way out."

a smirk formed on Conrads face as he sarcastically laughed. "when we found her, she was barely conscious. is that your brothers trick?" Conrad asked, "get them drunk and do whatever he wants? I wouldn't be surprised if you did that either."

dan was right about one thing, Conrad loved a good fight.

fists were being thrown from both boys,  powerful hits. Conrad was a good fighter, so it wasn't hard for him to get Dan to the ground. the hard part was pinning him down.

"Hey!" an adults voice called, "You two! get off each other and go to the dean!"

the adult came over and pulled Conrad off of Dan, leading him away from the boy. 

"yeah! run away, pussy." Dan said cockily.

"he aint running. if I hadn't been here sooner, this boy would've broken your bones Mr Peters." The adult said, "if anything, you should thank me."

Dan scoffed and walked the longer way to the deans to avoid Conrad and the adult.

"god I can't stand that kid." the adult said, letting Conrad walk on his own and without being held. "I'm Mr Larson by the way, head coach of the football team. you are Conrad right? Adams kid?"

Conrad groaned. "please tell me my dad isn't the reason I'm in this school." he complained, "but yeah, yeah I'm Conrad."

Mr Larson shook his head. "I mean, every parent is the reason their kid is in college, right?" he pointed out, "but you got in on your own as far as I know. your dad and I were teammates in high school football."

"how do you know who I am?"

"want me to be honest?" Mr Larson asked, "you were one of the top players in Bostons football programs. but, I knew you from your parents Facebook pages."

Conrad let out a small laugh.

"now what was Peters running his mouth about now?" Mr Larson asked, "kid had a reputation for it, that's why he's still a freshman... which I'm not allowed to talk about."

Conrad smirked. "I won't tell." he promised, "his brother did some messed up shit to my best friend, who is practically my little sister."

Mr Larson nodded. "so why did you fight him?"

"because he claimed his brother would never do it, but I saw it with my own eyes." Conrad said, "look, if this was any other person I probably wouldn't react this way. but it wasn't. it was her."

"so why did it bother you so much? I know she's close to you and all, but why?"

Conrad shook his head. "are you like a guidance counselor or something that your talking about this with me? or are you just nosy?" he asked.

mr Larson laughed, "being a coach requires a lot of patience with teens and young adults." he began, "but I majored in psychiatry in college."

"Katie didn't deserve the way her life had been that year. it was horrible." Conrad said, "her mom was killed in an accident, her dad neglected her, and she fell to an all time low. being with us for the summer was her escape from all of that and Dan's brother ruined it for her."

Mr Larson frowned, leading Conrad into the building where the deans office was. "so then how did that lead to you fighting Dan?"

Conrad was getting annoyed. it was as if Mr Larson wasn't listening to him at all. "because I found out he's related to the kid who did it, and he's saying the kid wouldn't do that." Conrad said, annoyance in his tone, "can't we not talk about this anymore."

"alright, just in time for the dean." mr Larson said, stopping in front of the door. "he doesn't like sappy stories, so give it to him straight and he'll understand. the best you'll get is probably a new roommate or a dorm change."

Conrad nodded, walking into the room. he didn't care what he got, he was just proud of himself for fighting something that had an actual purpose.


we love overprotective Conrad

what's Conrads punishment going to be?

when Katie finds out, how mad will she be? what about jere and susannah?

is dan just like mike?

will Conrad and dan face each other again?

[do we like multiple points of views or keep it focused on Katie?]

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