[forty six]

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Katie laid awake at around four or five in the morning, staring up at the ceiling. Belly was sleeping peacefully beside her meanwhile the fisher boys seemed to be sound asleep.

The blondes mind ran a mile a minute as she thought about the phone call she got from Steven before bed, how her dad showed up at the house.

There was nothing that she wanted to say to him, and no reason she'd want to see him. But, deep down, she till loved him. No matter how much pain and suffering she has gone through while under his watch, she still loved her dad.

Besides, she only developed such a bad relationship with him two years ago. Between the time she was a baby and up until she was about fourteen, her and her dad had a good relationship. But, it was never as good as her relationship with her mom.

Christine White and Katie White were like Rory and Lorelei Gilmore. They had their moments where they fought and argued, but their connection was strong.

Katie would do anything to get her mom back. She missed sitting at the diner, always at the same table, eating a big plate of French fries and just talking to her mom.

Not to mention, Katie and Christine were like a copy and paste of eachother. All of Christine's mannerisms were clearly evident in Katie. The way she stood with more pressure on her left leg than her right, how her nose would twitch when she was lying, and how she would immediately start laughing if something was funny to her, whether she was supposed to laugh or not.

It sucked that Katie would and never will get to experience the stage in her life where she begins to explore new things with her mother. Christine would have loved to be a part of this part in Katie's life; the boys, the drama, and the friend group's.

Even though she still technically has her dad, she never would feel comfortable enough to let him into her life the way her mom was.

"What are you thinking about, Katie girl?" Jeremiah's groggy sleepy voice whispered.

"How'd you know I was up?" Katie whispered back, looking over the side to see his eyes were barely open.

He shrugged his shoulders, "you haven't moved and you're breathing really heavy," he said, "talk to me, what's bothering you?"

Katie frowned, "I just, uh- I really miss my mom, Jere."

The girl began to choke up, feeling tears form in her eyes. She hasn't really talked about her mom out loud as much as she should be, it just makes her so upset.

"I miss her too, katie." Jeremiah whispered, "I get what you're going through, trust me."

Katie stopped and thought for a second, "I'm such an ass, I'm so sorry I wasn't even-"

"Why are you saying you're an ass, Katie girl?"

"Because I'm here going on about how u miss my mom when you just lost yours. I wasn't- I, I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry," Katie whispered.

Jeremiah let out a breath, "Kate, relax, it's okay." He reassured her, "I know you didn't mean it like that."

there was a silence between them for a moment.

"come here." Jeremiah whispered, sitting up and leaning against the side of the bed.

Katie got up slowly, getting out of bed carefully and sitting on the ground beside Jeremiah.

the boy looked at the sleepy face that Katie had, along with the tears that were in her eyes. his arm went around her shoulders and he pulled her close, placing a kiss on her head.

"I wanna go home," Katie sighed, "I want to go home and sleep in my own bed and- and I want everyone that's dead to be alive."

Jeremiah nodded, leaning his head against hers. "I can only make one of those things happen, but I wish I could make both."

Katie frowned, "I really wish I had been nicer to my mom."

"She knows you didn't mean what you said to her." Jeremiah sighed, "she loved you, and she knew you loved her."

Katie sat silently as Jeremiah held her, never wanting him to let go. Being held him his arms was something that Katie loved, no matter how often it happened.

She felt safe. Nothing was going to hurt her.

"You have every right to miss her, Katie girl."

The blonde still sat silently, her eye lids growing heavy as her surroundings became dark.

"Get some sleep, I'll be right here."


The following morning, Katie woke up back in the bed with her head on Belly's shoulder and Belly's legs over hers. The two girls had no shame in cuddling up in a bed, they were comfortable with each other- especially after they always got stuck sharing a bed together when there were limited spaces.

Katie was exhausted, even after the sleep she had gotten. It's been a while since she's slept this much, it was like her body was readjusting to this state. She was also not used to sleeping on an actual mattress.

"Hmm." The blonde groaned, stretching her limbs as she slowly opened up her eyes.

It didn't register in her brain that Jeremiah was nowhere to be seen as she walked into the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth.

She didn't even notice until she walked out of the bathroom and went back towards the bed, seeing his pillow and blanket messily on the ground.

Her mind ran a mile a minute as she frantically searched the tiny room, then moved on to looking outside.

It was cooler out than she had anticipated, her feet froze as she ran down the steps of the motel and towards the parking lot in just a pair of socks.

Not too far in front of her, Katie watched as Jeremiah got out of Conrad's car with a plastic bag in his hand, a tired look on his face.

"Kate, what are you-"

The girl jumped into Jeremiah's arms, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What is happening?" Jeremiah asked with a small laugh.

"You weren't there when I woke up, I got worried," she said, giving him a quick kiss, "I thought something happened. I mean, my dad-"

Jeremiah sighed, putting the bag that he held onto the ground so he could fully hold Katie. "Trust me, Katie girl, you don't have to worry about me."

The blonde smiled, hugging the boy.

"You.. your not wearing shoes?" Jeremiah pointed out, seeing the black bottoms of the once white socks she wore, "why aren't you wearing shoes?"

"I told you, I was worried," Katie laughed.

"Does belly or Conrad know you ran out here?"

Katie laughed, shaking her head. "I probably should have told them," she responded, "because if my theory was right, I probably would have needed at least someone to know."

Jeremiah nodded, "yeah, that would be fantastic."

The two laughed, sharing a kiss with each other once again. Their lips moved in sync as they held each other, not wanting to separate.

The blue eyed boy was the first to pull away, a smile on his face. "Let's go back in," he said as he smoothly reached down and grabbed the plastic bag, not letting her feet touch the ground, "I still can't believe you actually ran out here in socks and no shoes."

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes, Jere."

My break is over in like literally a week and I have done no writing for this book whatsoever I am SUPER SUPER SORRY.

Anyways, happy 2024! It's been basically a month since I've posted a chapter so I am back :)

bot many questions to go along with this chapter, so comment your theories and ideas that you have for the future of this book!
[i also didn't proof read this so i am sorry if its all over the place!!!]

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