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3 months later

The beginning of April was rough for the Fisher family. Susannah had gotten so sick to the point where laurel had to come down every three days to take care of her. She never brought the kids with her, Steven being busy with college applications and belly being too scared to see Susannah like this.

In Belly's mind, Susannah was still her strong summer self. She was the Susannah Fisher that she grew up seeing every summer from June to August.

The fisher boys were always home now as well. Jeremiah made the decision to take this season off for school lacrosse so he could spend more time with his mom, even if it was hard.

Conrad was having a rough time. He had been taking a lot of time off from school to be with Susannah. With his new "acquaintance" Mr Larson, it was easier for him to get the time.

Everyone had been trying to get Katie to go up to Boston to visit Susannah, but the commute was too expensive for her to afford. Besides, deep down, Katie couldn't handle seeing Susannah.

She felt exactly how belly did, neither of them wanting to view the woman for less than she had always been. Less than the strong, independent secondary mother they grew to love.

"But Mrs Nelson you have to understand my situation-" Katie spoke to her guidance counselor, "I don't have the time to study with my work schedule. I get home super late every night-"

"Katie, if work is interfering with school-"

Katie shook her head. Recently, her grades have been falling to an all time low. It started around the beginning of January and only continued to drop. "I have to work, Mrs Nelson. That's how I've been living since the beginning of the school year!" The girl argued, "I work so I can have an education! Don't you want me to have an education?"

"Katie I understand the frustration, but there are programs that are made to support people in your situation." Mrs Nelson said, "I lost my father at a young age too-"

"But I bet you still had your mom."

"Whether I did or didn't isn't the point." Mrs Nelson said, "what I'm implying here is that your not the only one. I believe your just grieving your mothers death still, which is totally okay."

Katie stared at the woman in front of her. She couldn't help but think it was time for the woman to retire. She was older, or at least she looked it. She could hardly walk and stand up straight, and her hair was short and grey.

Katie did feel a little bad for picking the woman apart, but she didn't seem to understand the situation as well as she should.

In Katie's mind, a guidance counselor should be relatable, not a sixty five or seventy year old lady who's response to everything is that she understands, even though she doesn't one bit.

"Of course I'm still grieving my mom, but that isn't what this is all about." Katie said, "this is you telling me to quit my job because of school."

Mrs Nelson sighed. "Think about it this way, miss white." She began, sounding frustrated, "you can either drop some work shifts and study more so you don't fail your junior year, or go to summer school and pray you pass."

Katie shook her head. "I'm trying, Mrs Nelson, I really am." She sighed, "someone very important to me is very ill and I'm really worried. I might have to miss some days of school soon because of it."

"Why don't you tell me more about that." Mrs Nelson insisted.

"No, I really don't want to talk about it." Katie said, standing up front the chair, "look, I'm done. I'll try to fix my grades, but if I can't I guess I'll see you over the summer."

And with that, Katie was out of the guidance office. It was then end of the school day as well, allowing her to go home and freshen up before work that night.


It was about five o'clock when Katie was about to walk out of her house to work, her phone in her pocket beginning to ring. Laurels name and photo being on the screen.

"Hey laur." Katie answered, "I was actually just uh- going to work."

Laurel was silent for a moment. "You have to come to Boston." Was all she said. It was silent in the background, meaning she was away from everyone. "Susannah wants to see you and there's really not a lot of time left."

Katie frowned, going more into her house. "Wha-what do you mean not a lot of time..?"

"Katie..." laurel spoke softly, trying to avoid her own sadness, "I know it's hard but this could be it. She refuses to go without seeing you one more time."

"So-so if I don't come then she won't go!" Katie said hopefully, wiping the tears in her eyes. "There, done."

Laurel sighed. "Too bad, Katie. Check your email. I bought you a plane ticket. You leave in a few hours so pack up a quick bag and call an Uber."

Katie stood there silent. She really had no way out of this now.

"Hello? You there?"

"Yeah, yeah." Katie said, breaking her silence. "Laurel I don't think I can. My dad hasn't been giving me enough money lately so I've been working a lot and school-"

Laurel sighed, "don't worry about that Katie. Are you forgetting who your emergency contacts are for school?" She reminded the girl, "I'll call the school and use my popularity to get you out of the trouble your in."


"I'm an author. Schools love authors." Laurel let out a small laugh, "now quit worrying for once in your life and get down here. The boys really need someone who isn't me right now."

"Ok, ok." She said, giving in, "I'll call in to work I guess. Bye Laurel."

"See you soon, Katie." Laurel said, "by the way, the boys don't know your coming. They need a good surprise so I figured your my best bet. Belly refuses to come."

Katie nodded, although she knew Laurel couldn't see her. "I'll keep my mouth shut."


Sorry for not updating and the short chapters! I'm busy these next few days!!

Anyways... Katie's going to see Susannah..

How will the visit go?

Will Katie find out about Conrad's fight?

What about school? Work?

Gregg white comeback?

How much longer will there be for Susannah?

Vote, comment, and follow <3

Ghost Of You- Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now