[forty five]

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time had passed between now and when Katie and Jeremiah had their conversation. Katie was just finishing up in the bathroom after taking a hot shower, pulling her hair back into a wet braid. No one else was in the room when she got out, which likely meant that Jeremiah went to go catch up with Belly and Conrad. 

Katie didnt really know, nor did she care. She just knew that they would never stoop low enough to leave her at the motel. now that would really suck.

*ring ring*

a confused look formed on katies face as she pulled a hoodie over her shoulders and reached over to grab her phone. to her surprise, Stevens name was on the screen.

"Steven?" she asked, answering the call.

"you are not going to believe what just happened, Kate." He said with almost a laugh, but more of a scoff.

Katie sighed, shaking her head, "what happened, Steven?" she asked, knowing that this was going to be something extremely stupid, or something interesting. but, its Steven... its more likely option one.

"we just had a special guest visitor at my house, wanna guess who?" he spoke, "is everyone in the room with you?"

the blonde looked up, hearing the door opening and watching as everyone was coming in. 

"they all just came in, hang on," Katie began, putting the phone on speaker phone, "everyone say hi to Steven."

"hey Steven!" Jeremiah spoke happily.

"Steve-o." Conrad spoke in a calm tone, letting out a laugh.

belly looked at the phone confused, "what do you want Steven? miss us already?"

Steven scoffed, "as if," he began, "like I was saying... guess who just showed up at our house."

the two boys shrugged, not knowing who it could be, whereas Belly decided to put in her guess, "Taylor?"

"opposite of Taylor." Steven said, "Greg."

Katie choked on her water that she was in the middle of drinking, her eyes growing wide. "as in my fucking dad?" she asked, "why the hell was he there?"

"what the fuck did he want?" Conrad asked, moving closer to the phone.

Steven let out a breath, likely shaking his head. "he was asking for Katie, I think he wanted her to come home or something." he said, "you should've heard my mom, bro. she was going absolutely crazy on him."

Jeremiah took a step closer to Katie, sneakily taking her hand in his and rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. "did she tell him where we were?" he asked, although he knew laurel would never out them like that.

"no, no. god no," Steven said, "she doesn't even know where you guys are actually, she just knows you are stopped at a motel because of the rain."

Katie sighed, looking over at belly and seeing that she was already looking her way. "you guys don't think he'll find us here, do you?" she asked, "because-"

"he won't." Conrad said, "I parked a good distance from our room if he does find us, so he'll be looking in the wrong section of rooms."

"I'm not going home." Katie spoke up after a moment of silence, "I can't deal with that man any longer."

"and your not going to." Jeremiah said, looking back towards the phone, "Steve, how long ago was he at your house?"

"not long. I called as soon as I was able to calm my mom down." Steven said, "there's no way he knows where you guys are, so don't worry."

Katie stepped away from the call, walking outside to get some fresh air. She leaned against the railing that blocked the balcony outside of the door, taking deep breaths. it didn't scare her that her dad wanted her to come home, it scared her more that he'd go all the way to the Conklin's house to try and get her himself.

the girl reached into the pocket of her sweatshirt, pulling out the small pink vape that she kept with her. she never actually used it, she just had it with her for situations like this. for some reason, the nicotine it contained helped calm her nerves, but she knew how bad it was for her.

"Katie-" Jeremiah said as he opened the door to go outside, spotting the girl standing there with the vape in her hand. he decided not to comment on it, gently taking it from her and putting it in his own pocket to keep it away from her. 

his arm went around her shoulders, hugging her close. "you alright?" he asked, the both of them staring out at the rain rather than at each other.

"I could be better." she admitted with a laugh, "but yeah, I'm fine."

Jeremiah laughed, kissing the side of the girls face, "this is nothing to worry about, I promise," he said, "everything will be just fine. plus, your almost 18, so he won't have a say in your life much longer."

Katie nodded. only a few more months of being 17, she could do it. 

"I think I just want to go to bed and get some sleep, jere." she sighed, leaning her head against his arm.

the boy smiled, turning so he could hold her in a hug. "yeah, I'm pretty tired too," he agreed, "I think you and belly get the bed tonight and me on connie are on the floor."

Katie shook her head as she walked into the room with Jeremiah behind her, "I mean, I don't mind having the bed, but-"

"we aren't making you two sleep on the floor." Conrad spoke up almost as if he just had the same conversation with belly, "or on those chairs."

"we are both small people. the both of us on those chairs and you two on the bed just makes sense." Belly said, "plus, you guys are the ones driving tomorrow, you should get the good nights sleep."

Jeremiah shook his head, "the floor will be fine, bells." he insisted, "we can use the extra pillows and blankets to make a makeshift bed. we will survive the night."

the two girls shared a look, knowing they weren't going to win this one. this was how the fisher boys were raised, at least by Susannah. 

she wanted her boys to always respect the girls and make them feel as comfortable as possible, even if it meant giving up their bed for the girls to sleep on. 

"ok, fine." Katie spoke first, "but the second one of you complain, we are switching."

the boys nodded, beginning to set up their beds while Katie and Belly laid down.

when the boys had gotten themselves situated on both sides of the bed, Katie peeked over and noticed Jeremiah was on her side. a little smile formed on her face as she made herself as comfortable as she possibly could in the motel bed, shortly falling asleep after.



anyways, HI!

shorter chapter because I am in the middle of studying for finals.

but, how do you like it? thoughts?

no questions for this chapter. but, if you have any you want to make up and have everyone answer, comment them below!!!

vote, comment, and follow <3

Ghost Of You- Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now