72. Fight

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I was silently writing my essay in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom next to Daphne. Draco and Theo were in front of us while Blaise was bickering with Goyle, as he had to sit next to him. 

There wasn't a noise in the classroom as Snape walked between the tables, silently judging our papers as he hovered over student's shoulders. As of right now, Snape was looking down at Harry's paper. I saw his face scrunch up as he read through. I looked away before a chuckle could form in my stomach. 

Chatter started to form as students were finishing up their essays. Surprisingly, Snape didn't bicker as he walked away from us to enter his study. "You have fifteen minutes left." He said before he slammed the door behind him, leaving us unsupervised. Daphne was done with her essay but I was still scribbling down everything I knew on my paper. I studied hard for this, I knew I wanted to give in the perfect paper. 

I saw Daphne's expression raise as she saw the disorganised papers in front of me. I focused back my attention on my paper until Draco suddenly stood from his chair, exclaiming, "Say it to my fucking face." His exclamation made me look up at what was happening around me. 

Roger Davis - a Ravenclaw - looked like he saw a ghost as he stared into Draco's eyes. His friend beside him stood and gritted his teeth, "I won't hesitate to use the Cruciatus curse on your mother."

Before I could act, I saw Draco's eyes blaze with anger, and without a second thought, he lunged at the boy. His fist connected with his jaw, the impact echoing through the empty classroom. The force of the punch sent the boy stumbling backwards, crashing into desks. But Draco wasn't finished; fueled by rage, he followed, landing blow after blow. 

The intensity of Draco's punches didn't wane; it was as if he needed to release all his pent-up frustration and anger. The atmosphere in the room grew tense, with students watching in shock as the fight unfolded. 

Draco continued to rain down punches until the boy slumped to the ground, dazed and defeated. Draco stood over him, panting heavily, his fists clenched at his sides. The room fell into an uneasy silence, as all the students looked at the bloody Draco hovering over the disfigured boy. 

Before I realised it, Draco was looking straight at me, his chest was going up and down at an intense speed. Suddenly, Draco was grabbed by the shoulder by Snape, but that didn't stop him from looking afraid. 

Snape looked down at the boy on the floor with disgust before he ordered Roger to take him to the infirmary. In all the chaos, I heard Snape grit at Draco, "You're like a rock in my shoe." Snape turned to us and said, "I hope you all finished your essay. Class dismissed."

Quickly, I snapped out of it to join him out of the classroom. Once out of the classroom, I saw Draco pressing his stomach as if a blow had hit him. Fright washed over me. Was he hurt? It took everything in my power not to lay my hands all over his potential bruises right away. We couldn't be seen like that. I knew that. Draco looked at me as soon as I exited the classroom.

"Let's get you cleaned up," I muttered as I walked away. Draco didn't argue as he followed me toward the common room.

Finally, we arrived in his dorm where no eyes could see us. Once I heard the door close behind him, I turned to look at him but before I could say anything, he said, "I know." 

"Are you hurt?" I walked over to him but he couldn't look at me.

"I shouldn't have." He continued. "Anger got the best of me." 

"Draco, are you hurt?" I repeated. There was nothing else that mattered but him at this moment. 

"His face." He looked down at the floor but I forced his head to look up.

"Draco. You know what you did. Right now, just, tell me if you're okay." I insisted. 

He searched my eyes for an answer before he muttered, "I'm okay." 

"Come on," I said as I led him to the bathroom to clean him up. He took off his shirt drenched in blood and sweat and sat on a stool where I could tend to him. The blood had pierced through his shirt and onto his chest. My eyes scanned his chest for a bruise but couldn't see properly because of the blood.

I approached him to look at his face. His nose was bloody so he tilted his head backwards. "Don't." I adjusted his head so he couldn't tilt it. "It doesn't help." I brought a wet towel to his nose and he hissed. "Do you have Murtlap Essence?" He looked surprised as I said the essence. "What?" I asked him.

"Did you finally study healing?" He joked. 

"I thought it would be smart to when I'm spending so much time with you," I smartly answered which made him smile. 

"In my desk, first drawer." He answered and I went to fetch it. 

Softly, I smudged some essence on his nose where I left it to cool. I then grabbed the towel to take the blood off his chest. As the blood started to go away, I scanned his body for a bruise, "I don't see a wound."

"There's not one, but it feels really good." He answered with a smirk on his face. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why were you holding your stomach like it hurt?" 

He turned around to look at me as I was standing behind him, "I had a stitch in the side." He answered innocently. 

I couldn't help but smile, "You're such a child." I hit him lightly with the towel as I looked at him smirk harder. The atmosphere tensed as I started, "You know he would've never done that to your mother." 

His jaw clenched before he answered, "I know. I just couldn't bear hearing him say such a thing." He looked into nothingness, "My mother doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve any of it." He looked saddened as he remembered his mother. I couldn't ignore the palpable shift. 

"Draco," I began, my voice a gentle murmur, "there's something more, isn't there?" I feared his father might have something to do with it.

Draco hesitated, his stormy grey eyes meeting mine. It was a silent acknowledgement that spoke volumes. My concern deepened, and I took a step closer, closing the already narrow gap between us. "Whatever it is," I said, my voice a reassuring whisper, "I'll always be here."

Draco's gaze softened, and he nodded slowly. "There's just so much pressure... from my father," he admitted, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "And I feel like I'm losing myself in it." His eyes met mine again. "But I'm glad you're pulling me out of it." His eyes held a mixture of gratitude and something more, something he had been keeping hidden. As I brushed my thumb against his cheek, he leaned into my touch. The unspoken connection deepened, and for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. 

As our eyes locked, I landed my lips on his and whispered, "I'm here for you, Draco, in more ways than one."

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