55. Jealousy

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Over the week, we decided to prepare a party in the Slytherin Common Room. There wasn't any particular reason for it. We were all simply longing for some excitement. And I needed an excuse to drink myself to death. To forget everything for a couple of hours.

I was in my room, debating on what to wear. Daphne came out of the bathroom, already ready. She looked at me with a long face. 

"Audrey, come on. Just choose something, we're going to be late. Again." She said as she sat down to put her shoes on. 

"I know. I know. Give me five minutes." I told her as I picked a simple blue tank top. It wasn't a fancy party, just a regular party. I didn't have to go full out. So, I settled on a short white skirt, a long blue tank top, high-knee boots, and a belt to bring a bit of spice. 

"That looks good. Simple but good." Daphne said while she leaned by the door frame. "Are you done?" 

"Go ahead. I still need to do my hair." I waved her off with my hand.

"You sure?" I heard her say behind me. I turned my head around to look at her. 

"Yeah, go. I know Blaise is waiting for you." I smiled at her, and she smiled back before leaving the room. 

Pansy was already downstairs, so I was alone in my room. I sat in front of my mirror, desperately trying to add volume to my hair. I hair flipped my hair in every direction possible. I looked back at my reflection. It was perfect, like a 90's blowout. I opened a drawer where I kept all my jewellery and picked up my bracelet and a ring. 

"Urgh." I groaned. "Quelle connerie." I cursed in my mother's tongue as I struggled to put on my bracelet. It kept sliding from my arm. I locked the bracelet between my wrist and thigh, desperately trying to keep the bracelet from sliding. Just as I was releasing the hook, the bracelet slid again. "Fuck!" I exclaimed louder. 

"Need some help?" I heard a voice coming from behind me. My door was wide open to reveal Malfoy's figure leaning against the door frame. My heart skipped a beat. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He gracefully walked in without an invitation. 

"Thought Pansy was here." He responded as he stood next to me. He looked down at me as I sat in my chair. "Give me your wrist." He sat down on the bed beside my chair. 

'Oh, fuck it. It's fine,' I thought, and I handed him the bracelet and gave him my wrist. I looked at his fingers, trying to take hold of the tiny hook. He grabbed my wrist to turn it over. He inspected my hand before wrapping the bracelet around my wrist. His cold fingers brushed against my skin. 

To my shock, I honestly thought that he would seem uncomfortable around me after his declaration. But no, he was in control and didn't feel embarrassed. "Done." 

We looked at each other for a moment. I forced my face to look as stern as possible. "You never gave me my tie back." He suddenly said, breaking the eye contact. 

Without a word, I stood from my chair and walked to my closet. I opened a drawer before looking back at him. He hadn't moved an inch except for his face. He was looking straight at me. 

"I don't know which one it is." I honestly said as I threw a random green tie on the bed where he sat. 

He said nothing as he tucked the tie in his pocket and stood up. Right before leaving my room, he stopped next to my closet. 

I thought he would say something worth hearing, but he only said, "Where's Pansy?" 

Why was he searching for her? "Downstairs," I said as I walked at my mirror to act like I had to fix my makeup. I didn't. It was perfect. I opened my blush and slapped some on my cheekbones. I didn't hear him leave, but when I looked behind me, he wasn't there anymore.

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