47. Second chance

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Shattered about what had happened with Malfoy this morning, I stayed in my room all day. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to go through some of my best and worst memories. I hated him. 

I accioed my book which I had left on my desk, too lazy to get out of bed. It was already midday, but my stomach didn't grumble for some food, so I stayed where I was and started reading my book. 

After an hour, I dozed into a sleep. It was a real and long sleep for once. I was still afraid of falling asleep but was too tired to think about anything else but sleep.


My alarm clock was still set at 9:00 AM, it blared into my ears, and I lazily turned it off. It was the first time I woke up because of my alarm, as I usually just woke up from a nightmare. 

I stretched in my bed and rubbed off my mascara off my eyes, unaware I hadn't taken my makeup off last night. 

I sighed deeply, stepped away from my bed to remove it and put on some fresh makeup again. Once I put on some clothes, I opened the door to my dorm and walked to the Great Hall. At last, my stomach was screaming for some food. 

I arrived in the Great Hall, grateful no one was there yet. I supposed they stayed in bed since it was the Holiday. As I sat down at my typical sit, I regretted not taking up Theo's offer to stay in his house for the Holiday. Only two weeks left before my friends are back sitting next to me, I thought to myself.

I looked down at the table and found some French crepes. I smiled at the sight, and my eyes started to water as I began to feel homesick. I wanted to be back home. I wanted my parents with me.

I composed myself and started eating them. They weren't as good as my mum made them, but they were acceptable. I opened my book and read it while drinking my hot chocolate. 

Suddenly, the chair in front of me creaked. I lifted my head in surprise to look at who was sitting down. My features darkened as I saw Malfoy's eyes staring at me. 

"You didn't eat yesterday." He stated. I lowered my head back to my book. I knew that. What did he expect me to say? The silence remained until he opened his filthy mouth again, "It worked." He paused. "The charm you gave me, it worked." His voice wasn't excited by his achievement. Rather, it was concerned and worried. 

"Good for you," I muttered under my breath, not interested in his achievement. 

"I'm sorry. I had no right." He said. "It was personal. It wasn't my place to wander around." I looked up at his eyes. They looked sincere. I didn't know what to say, so I dropped my eyes back to my book. To my dismay, he didn't get the hint and started talking again, "Do you want to try again?" 

I scoffed at his proposal. How could he be so full of himself to think I'd forgive him so quickly? "What do you think?" I replied with anger in my voice. 

"I think it's important for you to know Occlumency. You'll probably need it in the future." He answered. Merlin, I hated that he was right. I looked at him, biting my cheek to stop me from getting angry. 

I lifted from my chair and replied, "Tonight, 9:00 PM, in front of my dorm." I would've told him to meet me in the dusted classroom but to be honest, I couldn't remember how to get there. 

With that, I left the Great Hall, hugging my book against my chest. I couldn't believe I did exactly what I didn't want to do. Hopefully, this time, I'll be able to clear my head, and he won't be able to wander around my mind. Just the thought of him being in my mind made me cringe. 

The rest of the day, I decided to finish some work as the teachers gave us multiple assignments over the Holiday, especially in DADA. How convenient.

The clock struck 1:00 PM, but I was too consumed with my homework, so I skipped lunch. 

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