5. Slytherin's Welcome-back Party

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Finally, the day had arrived — the Slytherin Welcome-Back Party. Even though we were already back in school for a month, we had to celebrate our return, well, their return. 

"Hey, Owen!" I called out in the corridors, "How are you? It's been a while." 

"Audrey! I'm good," Owen stated, presenting his cheek for me to kiss it.

"Oh, stop it." I joked, feeling embarrassed. "I was ignorant, but not anymore." I started walking with him towards the garden where the rest of the group was. "Are you going to the Slytherin Party tonight?"

"Audrey. I'm a Hufflepuff." He raised his eyebrows as if it was obvious why he wasn't invited.

"That doesn't change anything. You, Anthony, Hannah, and Cedric HAVE to come." I stated, "I don't want to stay with the Slytherins all night. Please." I pleaded.

"I don't know. I would love to, but I don't think your fellow Slytherins would be so pleased to see me at their party." He informed.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Cedric barged in. 

"Cedric! You'll come, right?" I pleaded, "To the Slytherin Party?" Quickly Cedric's smile turned into a frown. "Oh please, you can't leave me there on my own. Who knows what'll happen if I don't have anyone to protect me?" I exaggerated.

After an exchange of looks between the group, Cedric finally agreed. I hugged him and everyone else. "Oh, don't we kiss too for saying 'thank you' in France?" Owen joked, but I just punched him in the shoulder and smiled.


"Hey, Daphne?" As she was preparing for the party, I asked, "I know you wouldn't mind, but do you think Blaise, Theo, and company would be annoyed if some Hufflepuff came to the party?" I asked urgently. 

She shot her head straight at me. "Who did you invite?"

"Four of them: Cedric, Owen, Anthony, and Hannah?" I smiled awkwardly.

"I guess it's fine if it's only four of them. But I doubt Malfoy will like it." Daphne stated.

"Perfect." I smiled confidently. 

"Alright, what do you think?" She turned around to face me in her tight mini-black dress. She looked gorgeous. 

"Stunning! I'm sure someone will like it even more." I wiggled my eyebrows as her cheeks turned pink. Daphne had had a massive crush on Blaise for several months now. As we became good friends, she told me everything about her obsession with him. 

"You, on the other hand, should get ready. Do you have an outfit picked out yet?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'll figure something out." I smiled as I still had half an hour in front of me before the party started. People were already getting ready, charming our common room with a silencing charm and arranging the different alcohol on the bar. Daphne looked at me with raised eyebrows as if she was my mother. "Okay, okay, I'll go take a shower. Don't wait for me."

I went in the shower and washed my golden hair. Then I applied some makeup, just a bit more glamorous than usual, with a slight blush and white eyeshadow on my eyes to make my eyes sparkle. I came out of the bathroom, noticing nobody was there. I continued to choose my outfit, and of course, it took me half an hour. I was already late, so whatever. I threw on a strapless fushia dress that hugged my body. It wasn't anything over the top. 

Finally, I left my room only to hear loud Michael Jackson music. I was happily surprised they listened to muggle pop music. I went down the stairs to meet my fellow Slytherins on the couch. Everything was green-focused. There was smoke everywhere with the sounds of bottles rattling.

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