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Mon trésor, (Honey)

We hope this letter finds you surrounded by friends and the magic that only Hogwarts can offer. We've always known that you would accomplish extraordinary things, and seeing you flourish at Hogwarts fills us with immense pride and happiness.

There's something we need to share with you, mon trésor (honey), and it's not an easy thing for us to say. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we won't be able to spend this Christmas together as we had hoped. As much as it pains us to be apart during this special time of year, we want you to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday.

The world can be unpredictable and challenging, but we believe in your strength and the resilience you've shown throughout your life. 

Though we won't be physically present, our love will forever be with you. We will be there in every enchanting snowflake that falls around Hogwarts, in every warm hug the sun braces you in, and in every twinkling star that illuminates the night. Whenever you feel a gentle breeze brushing against your cheek or a comforting whisper in your ear, know that it's us wrapping our love around you.

Keep our memories close, mon chaton (my kitten), and hold onto the love we've shared. You carry a piece of us in your heart, and that bond is unbreakable.

We promise to write to you again at the beginning of spring when the flowers start to bloom. Until then, know that we are eagerly counting down the days until we can embrace you once more.

With all the love in our hearts,

Tes parents qui t'adorent. (Your parents who love you)

I looked out into the landscape and closed my eyes. A breeze came flowing toward me, and it already felt like my parents' embrace, warm and encouraging. I couldn't help but let out a tear from my eyes. I already had my suspicions that I wouldn't be coming back for Christmas, but now that I held this letter in my hands, it felt too real. 

I opened my eyes and looked at the trees dancing with the wind. They were all covered in white from the snow. I usually loved winter and the activities it brought us, but now, I couldn't wait for the snow to melt and give space for spring to blossom. 

I stepped away from the window and dried my cheeks. I went down the stairs to join my friends already eating in the Great Hall. 

Because of Malfoy, I hadn't been able to find more information about Occlumency and Legilimens. I wasn't even allowed to return to the Library for a whole week. How was I supposed to go through the holiday with no family, no friends and no books? 

As soon as I stepped foot in the Great Hall, I saw Cedric rising from his seat and looking at me thoroughly. We hadn't talked for a while, but every now and then, whenever we would cross paths, we would smile at each other without a word. So, I smiled at him, but instead of mirroring it back, he started walking toward me and called my name. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked once he reached me. How could I forget? I was the talk of the week with my accident in the DADA classroom. Of course, he wanted to know the drama around me.

"Better." I smiled at him. He was one of the few I allowed to talk to me about the incident, as Daphne told me he was the one who fetched the nurses. "Thank you, by the way, for calling the nurses." I looked down at my feet, feeling ashamed about the incident. I looked back into his eyes, which were gleaming from the candlelight. His smile appeared as perfect as usual. I embraced him in my arms, feeling as though he needed it as much as I did. He enveloped my shoulders with his arms. Cedric was a true friend. I knew that I could always count on him.

"Of course, whatever you need, you know I'll always be there."  He murmured against my head.

"Thank you." I pulled back from the hug to smile at him. "Again." I chuckled and started to leave to meet my friends.

Theo looked at me suspiciously before I started to explain the conversation I had just had. "Before you get any ideas, Theo, no, nothing is going on between Cedric and me. I was just thanking him for calling the nurse the other day." I sat down in front of him and scooped the mashed potatoes into my plate. He raised his hands in innocence. I looked around the table but couldn't find the blonde boy who got me suspended from the Library. I didn't even know why I was looking for him in the first place. 

"Where's Malfoy?" I asked out of the blue. I wasn't even aware the words left my mouth. 

They all lifted their heads with confusion, making sure I was the one who asked that. Blaise furrowed his eyebrows before speaking, "He's in his room. He said he didn't have time to eat." 

"Oh, Audrey, do you know if you're going home for Christmas or still nothing from your parents?" Daphne asked me. 

I took a deep breath before spilling out, "I'm staying here. But it's a good thing. I mean, I'll be able to get some work done and go to the lake. I'm gonna have fun here." I spoke more to myself than to the faces in front of me. 

"You know you can always come to my place if you want," Theo said, but I knew it wouldn't be possible. Daphne hadn't proposed because she and I both knew her family would be dealing with the upcoming war.

"No, really, it's fine. I'm happy to be here." I insisted.


I was standing by Malfoy's door, still unsure if it was the right decision. Since Malfoy got me suspended from the Library and emerged a curiosity over Occlumency and Legilimency, and since he seemed to be the only one to know about those arts, I thought I could ask him to tell me more about them. At least one detail that could get me going. 

I took a deep breath and finally knocked on his door. Right after the knocks sounded, I immediately regretted my decision. I was just about to turn away from the door when his voice pierced through the door. "What is it?" His voice sounded annoyed at the interruption. 

"Blaise told me I'd find you here," I said after a long second. 

I heard steps, and suddenly the door cracked open to reveal his face. Indeed, from the features tightened, I could tell he was annoyed. I looked at him up and down, my mouth agape, but nothing was coming out. He was wearing some black trousers and a black T-shirt. It was the first time I saw him so casually. 

"Well, start talking." His voice pierced through the silence. 

"Tell me about Occlumency," I demanded, wanting to seem severe and unfazed by his presence. 

A light chuckle came out of his mouth, and his face immediately returned to his profound gaze. "No." 

He was about to close the door on me when I blurted out, "I'll tell you all I know about enchanted artefacts." I knew I sounded desperate. 

The door opened a bit more, but still not enough for me to see anything in his room. 

"Tell me." This time he was the one demanding. 

"Not before you," I argued, but he wasn't impressed as I saw his eyebrow raise. 

"Fine, Saturday, 10:00 AM. Meet me here." He said. 

"Are you not going home for Christmas?" I asked out of the blue. 

His face came closer to mine. "No, I decided to stay just to annoy you." 

I sighed deeply, unamused by his remark. "Fine." With that, I turned away and walked to my dorm. I didn't hear the door close and could feel his eyes looking at me as I walked away.

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