64. A gift

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It was already dark outside as Daphne and I returned to our dorm. Theo and Blaise were taking too long to eat, so we went to sleep early. Little did Daphne know that I wasn't going to sleep just yet, I had to see Draco first. 

As we passed by the Potions classroom, I caught a glimpse of Professor Slughorn who was working on the plants I caught him stealing the other day. I guessed he stole enough leaves the other day to grow his own plant. Unless he stole the entire pot.

As soon as we entered the common room, a wave of laughter hit us. Most of them were coming from first years who didn't have anything to stress over and had too much sugar in their system. Daphne looked around as if to try to find herself again in this crowd. Ever since that letter came between her fingers, she had never been the same. That smile she usually showed so many times rarely appeared these past few days. 

"Daph, actually I think I might go on a walk for a while," I told her before I took a step on the staircase. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asked, scared to leave me alone. 

"No, it's fine. You better get some sleep before the party tomorrow." I gave her a smile which she mirrored. I could tell she needed this party, to simply forget about everything one evening. "Good night. I won't be long." I said before leaving in the other direction. 

Thankfully, as I retraced my steps to the main tower, I didn't run into the boys on their way back. I climbed the stairs as fast as the moving staircase would allow me before arriving at the Astronomy tower. 

The moonlight shone through the staircase as I followed it up high. A cold breeze kissed my cheeks as I finally reached the moonlight and there he was, leaning against the rail. As soon as I took a step closer to him, he looked behind him to meet my face. His eyes were a piercing grey in the moonlight. I walked closer to him until I could smell his cologne. 

"Hi." He broke the silence first. 

"Hi." I said.

"You're cold." He said as soon as he saw my neck exposed to the wind. He didn't let me time to respond as his arms wrapped around my body and I was safe in his arms. As soon as his body hit mine, it seemed like a wave of warmth hit me. After a few seconds, he whispered in my ears, "I'm glad you didn't think too much." 

"Me too," I said over his shoulder. Suddenly, he took a step back to look me in my eyes before he looked at my lips. And then there it was, his lips warming my whole body but only touching my lips, it was pure magic. I could feel his fingers on the back of my neck gripping me as though he would never let go. And I didn't want him to. 

I kissed him back with as much passion as he gave me. For the past three days, his kisses were all I ever thought about. It was even hard studying when I knew what his lips tasted like. Slowly, he backed away just enough for us to catch our breath again. Our foreheads were still touching each other as he said, "I have something for you."

My eyebrows furrowed for a second as I saw him reach into his pocket, "You do?" Between our bodies was his palm which revealed a bracelet made of precious stones. The stones were white that resembled the moon shining over our heads. I couldn't believe and couldn't understand why the boy who only thought about himself was giving me such a beautiful gift. My eyes detached from the bracelet to look at him. He was already studying my expression as I looked into his eyes. "It's mesmerizing," I said, though I wasn't only talking about the bracelet. "But why?" 

"For sentimental reasons." He answered as he grabbed my wrist gently to attach the bracelet. "But also so you'll think of me every time you write." A devilish smile appeared on his lips.

"You manipulator." My smile grew as I remembered once telling Blaise a bracelet was the best gift a girl could get. 

"You said it first." He responded.

"Thank you," I whispered, looking at the white stones attached to my wrist.

 "Promise me to never take it off." He said, looking into my eyes.

I still couldn't understand his action but I muttered my promise without fully acknowledging it. "I won't." The stones weren't the only thing that was cold on my skin. His fingers were freezing as he tried to attach the bracelet. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. I feel bad now." 

"Don't. All I need is you." He said as he looked into my eyes once he finally attached the bracelet. 

His response brought a smile to my face, "I didn't know you were such a romantic." 

"I try." He said as he brought me closer to the rails. 

There was a long silence where it was only the breeze that talked with its whistling. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, au contraire, it was a soothing silence which calmed my anxiousness. 

"I have to ask you something." He said which brought me to look at him. He was looking in front of him, looking out onto the moon kissing the lake. 

"What is it?" I asked and he finally looked at me back. 

"I need your help." He admitted as if it was the worst thing to say. 

"With what?" I couldn't help but smile at his behaviour. 

He bit his cheek before he said, "With Divination." As soon as his words fell out of his mouth, my face lit up with joy. "Oh, don't start. I'm still better than you in most of our classes." He said as a smile took form on his face, lighting up his eyes. 

"First of all that's not true, with all your absentees, you're falling behind. And second of all, I want you to admit it. Admit that I am better than you and I'll help you." I challenged him. 

I could see his smile turning into a smirk as he bit his tongue. "Fine, I'll ask someone else." He said looking away from me though his smile never left his face. 

"Who?" I challenged him. I saw him drop his head to hide his defeated smile before he looked back up at me again. 

"Zabini." He said nearly unsure of himself. 

"He's not going to be of much help," I responded smartly.

"Alright, then, Nott." He challenged. 

"He probably has the same number of absentees as you do," I informed him.

"Daphne, then." He said. 

"As much as I love her, she got a P at the -" I started but he cut me off. 

"Audrey you're the best." His face was hidden in his arms as he muttered the words. 

"At what?" I teased him. 

"At everything." He finally said and brought his face out for me to see his face of defeat, "Please help me." 

"That's all I ever wanted to hear from you," I said triumphantly as he stood upright to look down at me.

"I hate you." He said though his smile said a different story. 

"I know," I responded before he grabbed me by the face and kissed me, bringing my body closer to his with a swift movement.

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