10. Fumo

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The next day, I looked out the window to see snow covering the trees. I got excited and woke Daphne up urgently. "Come on, Daphne! It's snowing! Please!" She waved me off, but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy myself. I quickly dressed up and headed to the garden to relish the beautiful weather as we started classes later today. 

The corridors were empty as everyone was either in their warm, comfortable bed or in class. I walked along the corridors before bumping into Hermione and Harry. They were both tucked in their red scarves. Hermione looked enraged as to what Harry had just said. 

"Trouble in paradise?" I smiled. 

"You have no idea." She scoffed. 

"But it's true, Hermione. He definitely could." Harry argued before we exchanged smiles. I didn't want to invade their conversation, so I laughed at Hermione's tired face. 

"Good luck," I told Hermione before continuing my path. 

I smiled at the sight presented in front of me. The garden was covered entirely in white. It was marvellous. The lake was now a skating rink, the leaves were replaced by snow, and the wind was light and fresh. I got out my skates to enjoy the frozen lake. I slid through the lake and smiled at the sensation it gave me. It made me remember home. When I was younger, I used to skate with my parents. They were the ones that taught me how to figure skate. My parents slid with so much love in their eyes. I was so excited to see them again on Christmas; I missed them dearly. After skating for half an hour, I returned to the Great Hall to find my friends for breakfast. 

"You missed out, Daphne." I exhaled, taking my seat next to her. 

"Where were you?" She asked, intrigued. 

"Skating. The lake is frozen." I noted while the group ate their pancakes.

"Well, I hope it was enough joy for the day to compensate for Snape's class." She said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I said while picking out grapes. 

After eating, we all headed to Defence Against the Dark Arts. As if Daphne had predicted it, Snape's class was dull.

"The Latin word fumo means 'smoke', hence creating smoke," Snape pronounced steadily as we all got bored quickly. He continued his presentation while I was discreetly reading my book under the table. 

"Miss Bardot." He exclaimed as I jumped on my seat to meet his gaze. "Would you care to explain the perks of using this spell to the rest of the class?" He raised an eyebrow. I quickly glanced at the presentation board to see which spell he was referring to. 'Smokescreen Spell', I read out. 

"Oh, um... Smokescreen Spell can be used-" I started, but Snape cut me off to order me to stand up. While Malfoy was already smirking at my attempt, I did as he said, "Smokescreen Spell can be used during combat. Its perks are preventing an opponent from accurately aiming their spells, as well as allowing the caster to escape unseen." I explained confidently. 

"Demonstrate," Snape exclaimed, annoyed I got it right. 

"Right now? I mean, here?" I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"It is a tough spell to demonstrate on the first try. It would be uncanny to see a student accomplishing it on his first try, and it would be intriguing to see if you hold your grandfather's qualities." He stated. 

"As if." I heard Malfoy whisper to Blaise next to him. Now I had another reason to prove my worth. 

"Fumos," I exclaimed, and suddenly grey smoke came out of my wand, and the room was drowned in fog. I couldn't see anyone but heard chuckles from everywhere around me. I smiled proudly at my accomplishment when Snape finally sucked in the smoke with his wand. 

"Very well demonstrated. I guess you do have what it takes." He hissed, clearly expecting me to fail. "Ten points for Slytherin." He turned around to go to the front of the classroom. I looked back at Malfoy with a proud look as he glared at me. "However, you are to never read during my class, Miss Bardot. Hence, two points will be deducted." He stated as I looked down and took my seat. I could feel Malfoy's eyebrows lifting behind me as if he had expected this.

The class continued with no other demonstrations or interruptions, but finally, Snape called it a day, and we all started departing the classroom.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Audrey." Theo chuckled from behind me.

"What can I say? I'm the best." I joked proudly. 

"Oh please, I used this spell when I was only 13. It's an easy spell." Malfoy said. I rolled my eyes, ignoring his ridiculous remark.

We all entered the Great Hall, making our way to the Slytherin table before someone interrupted me. 

"Hey." Cedric grabbed my wrist. "Do you want to eat with us today?" I was going to reply, but he continued, "I already checked. Snape is on duty." 

"How would you know that?" I said calmly.

"I'm a prefect." He pointed out.

"So you're abusing your power?" Malfoy interrupted us. 

"Shove off, Malfoy," I told him before agreeing to Cedric's proposition. I joined their table, feeling Malfoy's death glare on my back. 

"Audrey! Finally. What took you so long? We missed your delicacy." Owen joked. 

"I needed a break from your stupidity." I joked, taking my seat next to Cedric. It felt good being at their table, not hearing any stupid conversations from Malfoy. However, I still felt his glare across the room but chose to ignore it and enjoy my time with them.  

"So, what's new in Audrey's world?" Hannah asked. 

"Nothing. It's quite boring, to be honest." I replied, picking out some food to eat. 

"That's because you don't spend time with us anymore." Anthony joined in.

Suddenly, we were all interrupted by Dumbledore's announcement. "As you all know, Christmas is approaching. Thus, a celebration must take place. A ball will be held on the last day before you will all depart to your homes. I hope I will find you all respectably dressed with an appropriate date." He announced as all the girls started giggling to one another, excited to find out who their dates would be for the ball. Dumbledore found his seat again, and Hannah began to smile widely in turn. 

"A ball?" Anthony repeated. "Since when do we have Christmas balls in Hogwarts?"

The boys shrugged their shoulders. "Who are you going to ask, Anthony?" Owen asked him.

"I don't know. The pressure is already taking to me. It's horrible being a boy." He complained. 

"Being a girl is far worse." I stated, "Do you want to go through periods every month, pregnancy and eventually childbirth, Anthony?" He just made a repulsive face as Hannah, and I chuckled lightly. "Furthermore, we are in the 20th century; girls can ask boys to dance too. For instance, who would you want to go with, Hannah?"

"Wow, Audrey, you're putting me on the spot here." She replied, clearly uncomfortable. 

"Okay, that's a bad example, but still, you get my point." I chuckled as they eventually agreed with me. 

After joking around with them and finishing lunch, I returned to the Slytherin table to find Daphne to go to Herbology.

"Daphne, are you ready to go?" I asked her. 

"In a minute. Let me finish my soup." She said as I decided to sit down to wait for her. "Are you excited about the ball?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said blankly. 

"Who's it going to be? Cedric or William?" She joked.

"They would be wasting their time going out with you." Malfoy interrupted us once again. 

"Oh, Malfoy. I'm sorry. You weren't invited to the conversation." I told him.

"I can do whatever I want, Bardot." He argued.

"So can I. For instance, I could slap you from across your face, but I'm not going to do so because I'm respectful." I glared at him. "Please, Daphne, can we go?" I jolted back my head to look at her. 

"Yeah, I'm done." She sighed. We departed from the Great Hall and joined the rest of the class, this time not late. 

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