11. Hogsmeade

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"You've got to be joking. Balls are boring... except if you play with mine." Theo wiggled his eyebrows while talking to the rest of us. 

"I think it's exciting." Daphne let out, walking next to me. I just stood there, not listening to the conversation they were having. At the end of the corridor, I saw a group of Ravenclaw. I focused on the group trying to figure out if William was there. 

"A bit distracted, aren't you?" Daphne smiled, putting me back in focus. 

"No. Not at all." I replied defensively. I glanced a last time at the blue group when I finally spotted him. He was talking to one of his friends when he noticed me. Both of our groups crossed paths. We looked at one another without saying a word. 

"Be careful, Audrey. You're blushing." Daphne pointed before I punched her playfully in the shoulder. 

"Speaking of the ball. I need a dress. Is there somewhere we can find something?" I changed the subject. 

"Oh yes! Merlin, I can't believe you've never been to Hogsmeade; there's everything. Madam Malkin has the best dresses. We'll go tomorrow if you want." She proposed, and I nodded. 

We finally arrived at our last class before the weekend. Professor Binns pierced through the wall, taking his place in front of the classroom.

"Good morning." He started. "Do you know what started the goblin's war in the 18th century?" He questioned the class, but no one answered. I sighed, clearly bored, before I held my hand up. "Miss Bardot?"

"The first Goblin's rebellion was in 1612. However, the most popular goblin revolt was the one that happened in the 18th century. The goblin population revolted against discrimination and prejudice toward their kind by wizards and witches." I informed. 

"Excellent." He pointed out. "Ten points to Slytherin." He said before continuing his class. 

"Suck him off while you're at it," Malfoy whispered from the table behind me. I just rolled my eyes at his immature remark. 

The rest of the class wasn't anything exciting. It really was the most tedious class in Hogwarts. Thankfully it finally ended. We all returned to our common rooms, excited it was finally the weekend. 

"What time should we meet tomorrow?" Blaise interrogated us before we entered our dorms.

"To go where?" I asked, confused. 

"Hogsmeade." He raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh, you're going to buy some dresses as well?" I joked. "Well, I guess 10 a.m.?" I questioned Daphne as she nodded. 

"Alright. See you tomorrow." He responded before we headed into our dorms.


The following day we all gathered in the common room before heading out to Hogsmeade. As Daphne and I descended the stairs, we spotted the boys with Malfoy. 

"Finally! You said 10 a.m., not 10:30," Theo exclaimed, standing up from the couch. We chuckled guiltily before greeting them. 

"Don't tell me you're coming." I sighed at Malfoy standing in front of me. 

"I have... business to attend to." He replied. I rolled my eyes at his answer.

We arrived in Hogsmeade and, as Daphne told me, there was every kind of shop you ever needed: candy shops, libraries, sports shops, wand shops... even music shops. 

"Alright, you guys attend your businesses." I mimicked Malfoy as he bit his mouth, clearly annoyed. "We'll meet back at Three Broomsticks." I proposed as Daphne had already informed me of their legendary butterbeer. Daphne, Pansy, and I headed toward a beautiful purple shop as the boys headed another way. Gorgeous dresses were displayed in the shop's windows. We entered the room and were greeted by a warm atmosphere. 

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