68. Saturday night feeling

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The party was starting to take form in the Common Room as I walked down the stairs. The green lights were already shining throughout the room and students were cheering with drinks in their hands.

It was still easy to pass through the common room to join my friends on the couch, as usual. As soon as I saw Draco sitting on the couch chatting with Goyle in his armchair, I couldn't help but think of what happened this afternoon. How much pleasure he brought me. "Audrey!" Daphne yelled which summoned Draco to look at me but I made sure to look at Daphne instead of him.

"Are the boys still not here?" I asked as I held the top of the armchair she was sitting on.

"No. They're running late, I think." She said as she looked up at me. Her gaze fell on the bracelet around my wrist and her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, that's pretty! Is it new?" My gaze fell to where she was looking.

For a split second, my gaze fell on Draco who was listening closely, eager to know what lie I would come up with. "Thank you. My mother gave it to me." I could feel my cheeks burning as I knew Draco was watching me closely.

"Cute." She responded.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink. Do you want anything?" I asked her, retracting my hand by my side.

"No, I'm fine." She said as she raised her glass full of liquor. So, I walked away toward the bar, hoping Higgs wasn't on bar security duty, I couldn't bear to look at him. Thankfully, as I arrived, there was no bar security at all. I guessed Draco just wanted to make fun of Higgs at the last party.

I poured myself a glass of Martini before I felt some cold hands on my shoulders, I quickly turned around to look at who was scaring me like that.

"Pour me one, please," Theo said, excited to get over his detention. Blaise was already standing beside me, pouring himself a drink, not like baby Theo here.

"Hello to you too," I said as I grabbed another cup to pour some liquor for him. "How was detention?" I turned around to face him and gave him his drink.

Blaise didn't seem to hesitate as he said, "Boring." Theo looked up as if trying to find the right word, "The usual." That brought a smile to me.

"Both of them?" I joked at Theo since he had two detentions today.

"Oh, stop it. I know I'm not Miss Perfect like you here." Theo said as he saw me foolishly smiling. All three of us walked toward our friends where Blaise found her Daphne, and I unconsciously sat next to Draco before Theo sat on an armchair.

Draco's POV:

When I saw Audrey sitting next to me when there was a free space on the armchair, Blaise's gaze fell on me, almost suspicious. I looked at him as dumbfounded as him when truthfully, I was glad she was next to me.

"Are you ready for the big game tomorrow, Theo?" Daphne asked.

"Yes! And I am ready to eat my steak dinner at the Leaky Cauldron Blaise promised me." Theo exclaimed with a loud voice.

"Fuck. I forgot about that." Blaise said, seeming desperate by the situation.

"Scared you'll lose, Zaabini?" Theo teased, leaning closer to Blaise.

"No. I'm sure you're going to make a foul of yourself." He responded as he gulped down his drink while Theo had a smirk on his face.

"As long as you don't fuck up the game," I warned them with a cool but assertive voice.

"Mate, it's Hufflepuff, they'll fuck it up themselves," Theo responded confidently.

"You look better Draco," Daphne said out of the blue.

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