70. Spooky

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Finally, Draco and I arrived in his room. His bed was still unmade, there was still an indentation of my body on his mattress from last night. Draco walked in so freely, gathering his textbook. Surprised he didn't try anything, I, too, walked to his desk to gather the stones and everything else. Just as I turned around, I saw Draco staring at me hungrily as he leaned against a wall. 

"It is comfortable and warm here, isn't it?" He said, but I wasn't going to succumb to his power. He asked for my help and I will help him. 

"It is," I responded once all the stones were in my bag. "But the Library is very cosy, too." 

His jaw clenched before he came closer to me. "You forgot this one." His hand went behind me, grabbing the Earth stone. Before giving it to me, he inspected it, "Let me guess. That's the Earth stone... which represents fertility." Once he ended his sentence, his eyes locked with mine. I couldn't stare away from him. 

"Partially. It also represents stability and grounding." I added and he handed me the stone. He stepped even closer to me. Our breath shared the same air and all I wanted to do was kiss him.

"Should we go?" He asked, too cooly. I hated that he seemed cool while I was struggling to keep my eyes away from him. 

"Uh-huh," I responded, unable to form a word. As he walked away, he grabbed my hand so I followed him out of the room. 

"Don't get distracted." He teased me as we exited his room. All I could think about was going back to his room but he was already leading me away from it. 

As we walked through the hallway of the castle toward the Library, his hand was still gently holding mine, making sure I was following him. As it was a Sunday afternoon, there weren't any students in the hallway so he was free to hold my hand as long as he wanted. 

Finally, we arrived at the Library and my cool finally came back. Our hands detached as he pushed the doors open, letting me go in first. A fine gentleman he was. 

To my dismay, there were a couple of students studying their finals in the Library. As soon as Draco entered behind me, discreet eyes stared at him as we walked to a table. 

I was about to pull a chair from a table when Draco continued walking and whispered to me, "Too exposed." So, I followed his lead. He continued walking further into the Library where there were fewer students. 

Draco looked around, seeing if there were any students. Once he deemed the table far enough from anyone's eyes, he sat on a chair and his eyes locked in mine. "Better." I hid my smile as I sat beside him and fetched the stones from my bag. When I straightened again, I saw Draco's hand covering the table where I could've hit my head. I looked at him with a funny expression, "I'm not that clumsy." 

"But you are." He responded as I opened my book to where we stopped last time. "Should we continue where we left off?" A smirk appeared on his lips. 

I ignored his remark and told him, "Let's see if you really did listen last time. We learned five stones. Recite them." I ordered him which only seemed to make his smile bigger.

My eyes never left his as his lips started moving, "Spirit stone: inner strength. Which you know nothing about. Fire stone: creativity, which you know a lot about. Moon stone: intuition. Sun stone: power. Water stone: healing." I hated that he got all of them right.

I didn't want to congratulate him so I simply continued the lesson where we left off but not where he thought we left off. "Universe stone represents people's place in the grand scheme. Destiny if you like. Earth stone, as you've guessed, represents stability, grounding, and..." I looked him in the eyes as I said, "Fertility." His smirk appeared again. How was I going to concentrate with him looking at me like that? "Mars stone represents courage, passion and conflict. Saturn stone represents discipline, responsibility and wisdom. Air stone represents intellect, communication and freedom. Got it?"

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