2. The Sorting ceremony

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"I trust Richard already told you about the different houses here at Hogwarts. However, since we are late, you will be sorted in the middle of the feast. The elves will take care of your luggage and put them where the sorting hat sorts you." The professor informed me as we started walking-running towards another entrance to the castle while some elves took my baggage. "Now, are you ready, dear?" She said as we stopped in front of a big door. I nodded, not so sure of myself.

She noticed my discomfort and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't you worry, Audrey. Hogwarts will be like your second home. I'm sure you'll fit right in." She smiled to comfort me. "Professor McGonagall." She presented her hand. "I am sure your father talked a lot about me; we were good friends. He is a great man." I nodded again before she finally opened the door to reveal an enormous room.

Four tables were lined up with different colour banners on top of them. Under the yellow flags, I could spot Cedric and his friends waving at me. The whole room was drowned by chattering from the students, guessing who I was, wondering what I was doing here... I smiled back at my friends before diverting my attention toward the front of the room, where an older man stood exclaiming his speech. 

"Silence!" The old man with a long white beard shouted from across the room. Which must have been Professor Dumbledore from the description and the authority my father told me about, as the students all stopped chattering. "This year, we welcome a new student. I am sure you will all welcome her with a warm hug." With a warm smile, he diverted his eyes towards mine and said, "Miss Bardot, welcome."

As soon as my last name slipped out of his mouth, the crowd started to chatter again, now even more excited to find out a Bardot was in Hogwarts. However stressed I may have been, I never showed it. I lifted my head high, proud of my family. Finally, I sat down on a vast chair when Professor McGonagall placed a dusty old hat on my head. I was honestly scared some dust from the hat would sting my hair.

"Ahh, a Bardot!" The hat suddenly exclaimed and started to move my head. "I've been waiting for you. You have quite a head, my dear... very hard, indeed, very EXCITING," he said, emphasizing his last word. "Now, now, what will it be? I see you don't mind any houses in particular. Good, good. You obviously have what it takes to be in Ravenclaw, yet I don't think it is the right... fit. Hmmm, alright! If I am not mistaken, and I am always right, it is the right choice... Let it be... SLYTHERIN!" Suddenly, the table furthest to the right started to cheer as loud as they could whilst Cedric looked at me with a little smile. 

I walked towards my respective table and sat next to a girl who waved at me to come there. "Perfect! Now, let the feast begin." With Dumbledore's words, a whole buffet appeared from nowhere in front of my eyes.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass," the girl smiled. "This is Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Draco Malfoy." She pointed at the respective person she stated. 

"It's Theo, not Theodore," one boy urged to say while looking at me with his hazelnut eyes. 

"Audrey Bardot," I said while looking over every face. Everyone from the group looked at me but one. Draco Malfoy. His family and mine never saw face to face as their legacy was too strict and too close-minded. However, I didn't want to be influenced by my parent's disapproval. I tried to make up my own mind about the family. 

"So, Audrey, where were you before?" The boy named Blaise asked me.

"I was in Beauxbatons, but we moved to England, so... there I am," I smiled.

"Do you speak French?" Theo asked. I nodded my head while he said, "That's sexy." Blaise elbowed him in his stomach. "Dude," Blaise told him with a disgusted look.

"How was it there? I heard there were only girls." Daphne, who was sitting next to me, said.

"Oh no." I started laughing. "Trust me; there are plenty of boys." I smiled while I recounted my friends over there. Elijah was one of my best friends; however, no one could level up to Noa. She was my bestest friend; she was my soulmate. We met when we were 13. Since then, we have been inseparable. She was everything I needed. We promised each other to write daily, to keep our friendship intact, which reminded me to send her a letter. "Which reminds me, is there an owlery of some sort? I have to tell them I'm still alive." I joked. 

"Yeah, there is one at the tallest tower; I'll lead you to it if you want," Daphne reassured me.

"Thank you, that would be great." I smiled at her and began to place some food on my plate.

After discussing my old years in Beauxbatons with them, we headed towards the dungeons, where our common room was. I thought it was a bit creepy as we were under the lake, but fascinating at the same time. 

Fortunately enough, I was in the same room as Daphne and Pansy. I didn't know much about Pansy, but she seemed respectable. In the room, I found my luggage next to a green bed. I laid down on the bed, tired from this long journey.

"Thank god they're comfortable." I sighed.

"We have the best house, so, of course, we have the best beds." Pansy let out while heading towards the corner where her bed was.

"The bathroom is over there, and your personal closet is here," Daphne said while opening a dusty cabinet. 

"Charming," I sarcastically said. "I'm going to see Dumbledore. I forgot the password. What is it again?" I asked.

"Dominatio Pura," Pansy said. I cringed at the password which translated from Latin to pure dominance. The password most definitely symbolised their keenness to keep their blood 'pure'.

I headed out towards Dumbledore's office in a dark corridor. As expected, I bumped into someone I didn't yet recognize, making her books fall.

"Shit. I'm so sorry," I rushed to pick up the fallen books. 

"You're Audrey. The new girl?" The girl asked, intrigued. "I've read about your grandfather; he was truly brilliant. I'm Hermione Granger." She held out her hand.

"Oh yeah, he was a great man," I said while shaking her hand. "Sorry about your books. I can be a bit clumsy." I said while looking at her books. "Are they muggle books from the author Stefan Zweig?" I asked with passion while she nodded. "Is there a library for muggle books here?" 

"Yeah, was there not one at your old school?" She asked. 

"No, unfortunately," I stated.

"Well, you're in luck then. I can show it to you tomorrow if you'd like. At lunchtime?" She proposed.

"That would be awesome. Thank you. Oh, before I leave, do you mind telling me where Dumbledore's office is?" I asked

"It's the level above, I wish I could accompany you, but I'm late. But it was lovely meeting you, Audrey." She said while I nodded my head. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" 

"Yeah, that would be perfect. Thank you so much." I said while leaving towards the moving stairs. 

I was already so relieved of my first day here at Hogwarts. I made friends from different houses and already had plans with some of them. Now there were only classes to be worried about, hoping the professors wouldn't be too harsh on me.

Finally, I stood outside Dumbledore's office. I heard some chattering inside, so I waited outside patiently before a tall figure came out of the room. He had a big black cloak, long dark greasy hair, and a pointy nose. He stood before me when he noticed my presence and gave me a suspicious glare before talking. 

"Nice... to finally meet you, Miss Bardot." He said with some unnecessary pauses between words. 

"You too, Professor?" I said, not knowing who he was. How ironic was it that he knew me but I didn't know him. 

"Snape." He said harshly before Dumbledore thankfully intervened as it started to become awkward.

"Audrey!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "It is so good to see you after all this time. I see you've already met your defence against the dark arts professor. Good. Now, why don't you come inside?" He continued.

I started to make my way while Snape still had his suspicious glare on me before leaving.

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