22. The flu network

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"What's up with you, Audrey?" Theo asked me as I forced myself to finish my plate. 

I looked up at him and answered, "Nothing." I looked down at my plate, "Just exams stressing me out." I lied and formed a smile. I wasn't anxious at all about the O.W.Ls, to be honest. I knew I had it under control. I was more nervous about what my parents would say that was so important they couldn't say it over a letter. I had my flu powder in my right pocket, so I didn't need to return to my dorm to fetch it.

"How? I haven't even started to study while you study every night. Merlin, I don't know how you do it." He responded and ate a piece of his chicken as I chuckled softly. 

I took my last bit of mashed potatoes and excused myself. "Speaking about it... I'm going to go study while the library is still open." I informed them. I turned to face Daphne, "Don't wait up for me." Malfoy had stopped talking with his goons to look at me. He didn't say anything. He just watched me leave until I was out of sight.

I stood in front of Snape's office. All I had to do was knock five times, yet I was still frightened. Father told me I could trust him, yet I was still scared of him. I gathered all my courage and knocked. 

After a couple of seconds, the door swung open. Snape still didn't seem bothered by this situation. He must've been excellent friends with my father for him to accept a favour like that one. Without saying anything, he started marching toward his desk. I supposed he was leading me to the chimney, so I followed him without saying a word myself. 

His office was enormous. It was in the shape of an oval; on every wall, there was a shelf filled with different potions and books. In the centre of it was his desk, too, in a round shape. Behind it was a chimney—the flu network connection. 

"I suppose you know how to use it." The professor said before turning to face me. I nodded quickly to his question with a smile to ease the tension. My mother taught it to me before I went to Beauxbatons, as we were allowed to use it there. "Very well. Go ahead then." He raised his eyebrows, eager to see me fail or accomplish. He hushed the fire to let me step on it. 

I looked straight before me, avoiding Snape's glare, and exclaimed with my eyes closed, "Villa Anabel Monaco." Suddenly the fire came back to life and devoured me. I opened my eyes to be greeted by Dity. 

"Good afternoon Miss Bardot. I hope you travelled well." She smiled at me and presented a towel to clean the dust on my face.

"Excellently." I smiled back. I never had any problems travelling through the flu network. I was always so used to it. "Do you know where Mum and Dad are?" 

"Upstairs, waiting for you in Master's study." She informed me. I look at her, disappointed she used this pronoun. "Pardon. Mister's." She corrected herself, and my smile came back. Dity had known me from the day I was born. She was very dear to the rest of the family and me. She didn't need to call my father by this pronoun. Furthermore, I thought it was too dominant. My father was a kind man. He treated her well. 

"Thank you, Dity." I took the towel and directed myself toward the study. Once I arrived in front of the room, the clear door spoiled my arrival, and my mother came rushing to me. She gave me a gentle kiss on my cheeks, and they both smiled at me. 

"Audrey. We're glad you made it." My father said, sitting up from his chair. "You arrived earlier than presumed. I'm guessing you missed your old father's jokes." He joked and hugged me. 

"Dearly." I joked over his shoulder and pulled away from the hug. "So, what was important for me to come home urgently?" I looked at them both. Both of their smiles stayed, but their eyes told a different story. They looked worried. 

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