69. 6 PM

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"So, how was your night?" Daphne sang as she lay on her stomach on her bed. I closed the door behind me, still in my clothes from last night. 

I couldn't help but blush at her. "Good. And yours?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh no, no, no, Audrey. We're talking about you all day." She said as I went to take my make-up off. I heard her standing upright on her bed behind me. "I still can't believe you didn't tell me earlier. You know I would've supported you."

"I know. I just wasn't sure yet." I responded before I sipped some water I desperately needed. 

"Sure of what?" She pushed.

"Of him and I. Where's Pansy?" I tried changing the subject once again.

"Well, now I know why she hates you. You stole her lover. She's jealous of you. So of course we won't see her in here for a while." Daphne responded. "Come on! Tell me more. Hell, I'm sure Blaise knows more than me and I'm supposed to be your best friend."

I sighed before I turned to face her. "What do you want to know?"

Her face suddenly lit up before she started asking me all those questions I was obliged to answer for the next hour. 


Daphne and I arrived in the Great Hall for lunch as we had missed breakfast because of the hundreds of questions she asked me. I saw the boys already there, devouring their lunch. 

"Hello, baby." Blaise welcomed his girlfriend with a kiss as she sat next to him. Draco, however, only gave me a secretive smile before I sat next to him. The three in front of us started talking about the party last night.

 "Do you want to study after lunch?" I asked Draco but I looked at the food in front of me instead of him, trying to seem unsuspicious. 

"Like last time?" He asked and I didn't need to look at his face to see a smirk on his face. I knew him too well. 

"Do you want to fail your class?" I smartly answered.

"6 PM, my room." He said but I argued. 

"6 PM, the library." I corrected him. 

"Scared you won't resist the Spirit stone?" He teased. The spirit stone represents inner strength. This took me by surprise, so I looked at him, almost happy he actually listened and remembered. "I listen." He whispered.

"You do?" I straightened, suddenly aware of my expression in the public eye. But still, I never looked away from his grey eyes. "Listen to everyone around you?"

"Not to everyone." He answered, looking at me deeper into my eyes.

I broke our eye contact and answered, "Good." I poured myself a glass of apple juice and confirmed, "6 PM in the library." 

"Theo, Blaise, let's go." Draco stood from his seat. Blaise stood up without arguing. Theo was quickly finishing his drink as he stood from his seat. Blaise landed a kiss on Daphne's forehead while Draco whispered to me, "I'll see you on the benches?" 

I looked up at him, with a blank expression before muttering, "Of course." With that, his fingers brushed my back before leaving. I looked at my plate to hide my flushed face but it was no use, Daphne was already looking at me with loving eyes, "Stop that." I warned her but couldn't help but smile.


Daphne returned with some butterbear in both her hands. She handed me one and started sipping hers. All the players were concentrated in the game, eager to finish it. The weather was cold and dry. It was hard to stay concentrated when all your muscles wanted you to be in a hot bath. 

"Oh, there he is!" Daphne pointed at Theo who was zooming to the other end of the field to mark a point. A few seconds later, the bell rang and an additional 10 points were given to Slytherin thanks to Theo. The stadium erupted in cheers.

In the midst of the celebration, the game's presenter's voice echoed through the magical speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, what a thrilling play by Slytherin! As a reward for the outstanding performance, we'll be taking a brief break. Enjoy a quick respite, grab some refreshments, and be back in your seats in 10 minutes for the continuation of this exciting match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff!" The crowd cheered once more as the players regrouped in the sky, and the audience eagerly anticipated the second half of the match.

"When will Theo perform the Wronski Feint? He doesn't have much time left." Daphne turned to me.

"I don't know, but he deserves his steak. He really stepped up his game since last time." I answered still looking onto the field, unconsciously looking for a certain platinum blonde-haired boy.

"Looking for him?" Daphne asked me which made me snap my head in another direction.

"No, not at all. Just looking around." I responded. Suddenly I caught the eye of Terence Higgs. He unexpectedly smirked at me before waving at me. I wasn't sure how to react so I simply smiled at him before a Quaffle hit his head.

Shocked, I looked at where the Quaffle was sent. It was Malfoy. He was already death-glaring Higgs before he looked at me up and down. Higgs looked ashamed as he joined his team where Draco started talking strategy to them.


Theo looked as proud as ever as he joined Daphne and I after the game. "I'm the best player out there." He exclaimed before his eyes landed on a girl behind us. It was Rachel. I saw his features soften as he looked at her before his smile was brought back.

Blaise and Draco emerged from the tent where they had changed. Blaise reached Daphne to kiss her again while Draco stood in front of me, retraining from kissing me. "I'll be taking my steak dinner tonight, Blaise." 

"Gotta say it. You deserve it." Blaise responded firmly. I smiled at the two boys before Draco caught my eyes by tapping on his watch, indicating we should go.

"I'll catch you later," I told Daphne. "Congratulations boys," I exclaimed as I walked away from them with Draco already walking in front of me.

"And you're not going to congratulate me?" I heard Draco say as I walked faster to reach him. Thankfully, there was barely anyone left on the field for anyone to see us.

"Only if you behave tonight," I answered. 

"I will. I always do." He responded cooly. 

"Do you?" I finally looked at him and he looked back. 

"Of course." He responded though he was already looking at my lips. "But," He started, "We still have time before it's 6 PM. And I have to get my textbook from my room." He continued. "And you left your stones there, too. So I guess you'll have to come with me to my room to get them." He smiled at me before he looked back in front of him, "We have time."

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