61. Potions

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"Malfoy!" I screamed as I changed into my clothes as quickly as possible. Draco was still lying on his stomach, taking up all the space in his bed and still had his head stuffed in his pillows. I grabbed a fallen pillow from his bed and threw it at him. He gently shifted his head to look at me with his eyebrows lifted.

"Still on the last name basis? After everything we shared?" He finished his sentence with a smug smile on his face.

I, on the other hand, wasn't amused. "It won't be anything at all if I happen to be late because of you," I said while I sat on his desk to put my shoes on. The bed shifted as I saw from the corner of my eyes that he was now resting on his elbows, but the covers were still lying on top of him.

"You're already top of the class. Besides, I can be your new and better Professor." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Don't start," I warned as I struggled to tie my shoes.

His eyes drifted to my shoes, where my hands struggled to tie the knot. "I can already teach you how to tie your shoes if you want." He joked but was stunned by my death stare once he stared back at me.

"Shut up," I said as I finally managed to tie my shoes. I turned around to go into his bathroom to fix my hair in front of his mirror. As I looked at my reflection, I noticed how exhausted I looked. My mascara had smudged under my eyes, and my hair was messy. Desperately, I tried fixing my hair with a braid. Then, I licked my fingers and tried getting the smudged mascara off my face. I glimpsed on my side to see Draco hadn't moved an inch and was smiling at me. "Stop looking at me and get dressed."

Still, he didn't move. I looked back at my reflection, which was still a mess, but I couldn't do anything else; I didn't have my makeup.

I walked away, into his room and toward his door. I looked back to see him now sitting at the side of his bed. "You're not coming?" It was more of an affirmation than a question.

He looked back at me and said, "I have business to attend to." One day, I would ask him about this business of his, but right now wasn't the time.

Before twisting his door handle to exit his room, I told him, "Can we... keep this on the low... for now?" I asked hesitantly.

"For now." He responded. It sounded more like a promise than an agreement. His smile still couldn't disappear from his lips. It was an effort not to walk up to him and kiss him. I wanted to lie with him all day but knew it would seem too suspicious. Furthermore, I didn't even know if he was thinking the same thing as I was.

Last night was the most pleasure I had succumbed to. It was magical, like his presence had sucked up all my worries.

It took all my will to twist his door knob and leave his room. Once on the other side of the door, I loosed a breath. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I had spent the night with Draco and had felt only pleasure.


"Where were you?" Hermione asked as I sneaked into my seat beside her without the Professor noticing me. I quickly looked at the Professor and tried to catch up on what I missed.

"I didn't wake up on time," I whispered. Technically, it wasn't a lie. I looked down at my desk to see what we were working on. Veritaserum. I could have stayed in bed with Draco. I already knew everything about this potion. We hadn't studied it at Beauxbatons, but I had worked on it multiple times. With my Beauxbatons friends, I remembered using this potion quite often to play games. I was always the only one who brewed it since my friends would've caused an explosion.

The Professor turned around to face his students, suddenly acknowledging us. His eyes fell on me, "Miss Bardot. I didn't see you come in!" He said with a sly smile. "Well, it's good to see you." The attention he brought me caused Blaise to look at me from the other side of the classroom. He had a questioning face as he tried to decipher me. Instead of answering his confused stare, I stared back at the Professor and pretended to listen to the lesson.

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