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~ Bonesburrow Library- 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

It's been probably 3 months now since I've been friends with Y/n. I think ever since we went up to the knee we've been a lot closer.

Her brother does not like me, and I don't like him. I've gone to her house a bit and he gives me this glare everytime I see him, I give him one back because I don't like him.

He's been accepted into the emperors coven but he's always on outside duty so I never see him. I'm glad I never see him because that will be problematic.

Once I finish my training and get promoted to be Belos's right hand man, I won't have to worry about my identity and I can hide behind a mask.

I have a bad feeling about promotion though. I've been cutting back on my training because I have a feeling once I'm promoted Tom won't be around anymore.

I seem to talk more to Tom rather than Belos when it comes to any form of advice. I trust him more. Ever since he's told me the truth about Belos I've been more skeptical around Belos himself.

Ive been careful around him too. I don't want to step out of line if he apparently has a thing for disposing us. Like he did with Tom. Tom says there were more Grimwalkers like us.

Ever since I found out what I am it doesn't seem to have really bothered me. But if I were to have find out these secrets about myself alone, it probably would have. That's why thankful Tom is here to keep me in line.

He's like my coach, he tells me what and what not to expect from the emperor since he's experienced it all before, so it makes me less concerned about my duties.

He's like family to me. I don't want to loose him, but I feel like I'm going to once my training comes to an end.

Because of this I've purposefully been doing a little worse during my training so my promotion won't be immediate.

"Hunter." Y/n says.

"...huh?" I ask.

"Your zoning out." She says.

"Sorry." I say.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

I scratch my arm. I've been worried about Tom, but it's not like I can really explain that to her. If she knows I'm a part of the emperors coven she probably would be afraid of me.

"No." I say.

"You've been really quiet." Y/n says.

We're both sitting at a library table while Y/n was rambling about this series she's into. Now that I think about it I forgot everything she was talking about, because I was focused on something else, damn it.

"I'm usually quiet." I say.

"I guesss?" She shrugs.

She taps her fingers against the wood table and looks at me. I glance at her, she looks like she wants to say something.

"So speaking of dances!" She smiles and slams her hands on the table.

"Wait when we're we talking about dances?" I tilt my head.

"Look like while you were zoning out you didn't hear me." She smirks.

"Sorry." I say.

"ANYWAY!" She says.

"There's this thing at my school called Grom and I like wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me." She says casually.

"Wait- Grometheus?" I ask.

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